July 2022 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Jul 1 07:51:43 PDT 2022
Ending: Sun Jul 31 06:50:18 PDT 2022
Messages: 162
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
- [Oe List ...] The Completed Life of John Telford
Kevin Balm
- [Oe List ...] 7/2/22 PHOTOS
Elsa Batica
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Terry Bergdall
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Terry Bergdall
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Terry Bergdall
- [Oe List ...] More Songs for Collapsing Times
Isobel and Jim Bishop
- [Oe List ...] The Completed Life of John Telford
Isobel and Jim Bishop
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Don Bushman
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Sarah Buss
- [Oe List ...] More Weird and cramped places in which we lived gloriously
Sarah Buss
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Sarah Buss
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] TWC and selfcare
Sarah Buss
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Sarah Buss
- [Oe List ...] 7/10/22 PHOTOS
Sarah H. Buss
- [Oe List ...] Howl June 18, 2009
Sarah H. Buss
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] The Completed Life of John Telford
Sarah H. Buss
- [Oe List ...] The church renewed? And why the Turn?
Sarah H. Buss
- [Oe List ...] 7/16/22 PHOTOS
Elizabeth Caperton
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Mari Crocker
- [Oe List ...] More Weird and cramped places in which we lived gloriously
Mari Crocker
- [Oe List ...] 7/14/22 PHOTOS
Mari Crocker
- [Oe List ...] 7/16/22 PHOTOS
Mari Crocker
- [Oe List ...] 7/17/22 PHOTOS
Mari Crocker
- [Oe List ...] The church renewed? And why the Turn?
Mari Crocker
- [Oe List ...] The church renewed? And why the Turn?
Mari Crocker
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
Ann Ensinger Ensinger
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Ann Ensinger Ensinger
- [Oe List ...] Fwd: Recording Women and Men together, Let’s Sing! Grace and Peace, Ellen
Ann Ensinger Ensinger
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
Ann Ensinger Ensinger
- [Oe List ...] Thought for the day. Never recorded and performed only once. Happened on it this morning.
Susan Fertig
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Susan Fertig
- [Oe List ...] Howl June 18, 2009
Susan Fertig
- [Oe List ...] Howl June 18, 2009
Susan Fertig
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
Ken Fisher
- [Oe List ...] The church renewed? And why the Turn?
Ken Fisher
- [Oe List ...] 7/14/22 PHOTOS
Sharon Fisher
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
Jack Gilles
- [Oe List ...] More Songs for Collapsing Times
- [Oe List ...] Ellie Stock is our iconic song writer…I love to sing! Peace, Ellen
- [Oe List ...] See No Mow May in current events in the Archives, which Karen posted. Peace, Ellen
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
- [Oe List ...] Adventures of Joe Biden--Inauguration Day!
- [Oe List ...] More Songs for Collapsing Times
Linda and Milan Hamilton
- [Oe List ...] 7/16/22 PHOTOS
Linda and Milan Hamilton
- [Oe List ...] Thought for the day. Never recorded and performed only once. Happened on it this morning.
Milan Hamilton
- [Oe List ...] More Songs for Collapsing Times
Milan Hamilton
- [Oe List ...] Celebrating ???? on the 4th of July
Milan Hamilton
- [Oe List ...] TWC and selfcare
Milan Hamilton
- [Oe List ...] Ellie Stock is our iconic song writer…I love to sing! Peace, Ellen
Milan Hamilton
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Debra Harris
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Debra Harris
- [Oe List ...] 7/21/22 PHOTOS
Debra Harris
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Isobel and Jim
- [Oe List ...] Global Schedule of upcoming events
Isobel and Jim
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
- [Oe List ...] 7/1/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/2/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/5/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/6/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/7/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/8/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/9/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/10/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/11/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/12/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/13/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/14/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/15/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/16/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] Fwd: 7/17/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/18/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/19/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/21/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] Howl June 18, 2009
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/22/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] Howl June 18, 2009
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/25/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/28/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/29/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/31/22 PHOTOS
Frank Knutson
- [Oe List ...] 7/28/22 PHOTOS
Nancy Lanphear
- [Oe List ...] Celebrating ???? on the 4th of July
Jann McGuire
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
A.M. Noel
- [Oe List ...] More Weird and cramped places in which we lived gloriously
Paula Philbrook
- [Oe List ...] 7/2/22 PHOTOS
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
William Schlesinger
- [Oe List ...] More Weird and cramped places in which we lived gloriously
William Schlesinger
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] TWC and selfcare
William Schlesinger
- [Oe List ...] Memorial request
Vincente S Scott
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
Ronnie Seagren
- [Oe List ...] 7/07/2022, Progressing Spirit: Rev. Roger Wolsey: Lectio Writ LARGE! ; Spong revisited
Ellie Stock
- [Oe List ...] 7/14/2022, Progressing Spirit: Rev. Gretta Vosper: What the hell?; Spong revisited
Ellie Stock
- [Oe List ...] 7/21/2022, Progressing Spirit: Rev. Jim Burklo: When Progressive Christianity Runs Wet; Spong revisited
Ellie Stock
- [Oe List ...] 7/28/2022, Progressing Spirit: Kevin G. Thew Forrester: Christ Heart: Living With Holy Mystery - Part 2; Spong revisited
Ellie Stock
- [Oe List ...] Fwd: Remembering A Civil Rights Swim-In: 'It Was A Milestone' : NPR
Nancy Trask
- [Oe List ...] Our movies
Nancy Trask
- [Oe List ...] 7/9/22 PHOTOS
Nancy Trask
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
Patricia Tuecke
- [Oe List ...] 7/2/22 PHOTOS
Cynthia Vance
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Cynthia Vance
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Cynthia Vance
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Cynthia Vance
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Cynthia Vance
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
Cynthia Vance
- [Oe List ...] 7/16/22 PHOTOS
Cynthia Vance
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
Dharmalingam Vinasithamby
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Sunny Walker
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Fwd: Remembering A Civil Rights Swim-In: 'It Was A Milestone' : NPR
Sunny Walker
- [Oe List ...] Global Schedule of upcoming events
Sunny Walker
- [Oe List ...] Howl June 18, 2009
Sunny Walker
- [Oe List ...] Amazing opportunity for ICAs and friends
Sunny Walker
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
Holcombe Wanda
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
Holcombe Wanda
- [Oe List ...] Thought for the day. Never recorded and performed only once. Happened on it this morning.
Jean Watts
- [Oe List ...] More Songs for Collapsing Times
Jean Watts
- [Oe List ...] The Completed Life of John Telford
Timothy Wegner
- [Oe List ...] 7/28/22 PHOTOS
Gail West
- [Oe List ...] Thought for the day. Never recorded and performed only once. Happened on it this morning.
Judi White
- [Oe List ...] Thought for the day. Never recorded and performed only once. Happened on it this morning.
Judi White
- [Oe List ...] More Songs for Collapsing Times
Judi White
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] 7/4/22 PHOTOS
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Our movies
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] House Experiences
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] Thought for the day. Never recorded and performed only once. Happened on it this morning.
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] More Songs for Collapsing Times
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] 7/21/22 PHOTOS
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] Howl June 18, 2009
James Wiegel
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
Alfrieda Wilkins
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Randy Williams
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Randy Williams
- [Oe List ...] The church renewed? And why the Turn?
Randy Williams
- [Oe List ...] TWC and selfcare
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] TWC and selfcare
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] TWC and selfcare
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] TWC and selfcare
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] TWC and selfcare
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] [Dialogue] TWC and selfcare
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] Fwd: 7/17/22 PHOTOS
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] WHO WE WERE
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] URL for today's Zoom on the neighborhood climate action forums
Robertson Work
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
sherwoodshankland at comcast.net
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
sherwoodshankland at comcast.net
- [Oe List ...] Fwd: Remembering A Civil Rights Swim-In: 'It Was A Milestone' : NPR
laurab at lauragrover.com
- [Oe List ...] 7/3/22 PHOTOS
w.schlesinger at pvida.net
- [Oe List ...] OE Digest, Vol 113, Issue 5
pmainc at stny.rr.com
Last message date:
Sun Jul 31 06:50:18 PDT 2022
Archived on: Sun Jul 31 06:50:52 PDT 2022
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).