[Dialogue] [Oe List ...] GoingVegan

Doris Hahn via Dialogue dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net
Sun May 17 17:32:26 PDT 2015

I have been out of the loop in recent days; so I am catching up a bit. I
find all the entries on this trail really interesting, but my question
is--so far as anyone knows, is over-population on any major radar screen
(other than China) these days. It was big stuff way back, but I have heard
nothing recently.

We can grow and eat organic, clean up our skies, save our water and
electricity, etc, but even if we have a pristine planet, it won't be able
to serve the onslaught of population. Unless the Pope addresses this issue,
the Hispanic populations, etc. will continue to explode, not to mention
well-intentioned,loving, well-educated Americans filling their over-sized
vans with children.
Doris Hahn

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 6:02 PM, George Holcombe via Dialogue <
dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:

> Please remember back in the 70’s when it was said that smoking on
> airplanes would never be forbidden, then it would never be forbidden in
> hotels, bars, etc.  It was also thought that Fast Food restaurants would
> only serve the garbage of manufactured foods.  The US is now having to
> import organics because we can’t produce enough.  Some Fast Food chains are
> already changing their menus.
> The U.S. defense department believes climate change is the no. 1 threat to
> the U.S.  The US Navy is attempting to convert to renewable energy. BTW,
> there is a story out that the Naval base in S. Carolina is in trouble
> because of rising sea levels and some ship repairs can no longer be done
> there, plus the local town is flooding.
> Monsanto is losing money. There is a growing movement among farmers and
> ranchers to get off GMO’s and to free range their cattle and other
> livestock.  The pollution from the “meat factories” is showing up in water
> supplies.  Georgia is picking up the costs of applying for an organic
> farming certificate to their local farmers.  The list goes on.
> Also, you might want to check out the claim that broccoli has more useable
> protein than steak.
> You really should take a look at Cowspiracy and talk to some of your local
> organic farmers and ranchers. They may tell you some things you won’t hear
> in the media.
> George Holcombe
> 14900 Yellowleaf Tr.
> Austin, TX 78728
> Mobile 512/252-2756
> geowanda1 at me.com
> "Whatever the problem, community is the answer.  There is no power greater
> than a community discovering what it cares about."  Margaret Wheatley
> On May 10, 2015, at 3:30 PM, Nancy Lanphear via Dialogue <
> dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
> I heard a story on PBS the other day of a new product called Cricket
> Powder.  It really is made of roasted and ground crickets!  I do not
> know how well the crickets are cared for nor anything more about the
> process. Yet, the crickets are very high in protein and other
> nutrients and do not take up space on earth nor water/feed, that large
> animals do.  Just another piece in the decision making puzzel.
> Nancy
> On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Tracy Longacre via OE
> <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
> Going vegan is a viable choice, but of course will do nothing to change the
> American beef industry. And be assured, the cruelty with which we raise
> animals (particularly cows, pigs & chickens) in factory farms is an almost
> exclusively American phenomenon.
> Consumers who buy sustainably and humanely raised meat, eggs & milk are
> already supporting ethical farmers to the extent that more and more are
> getting into the market and reverting to better practices. And
> environmentally, the world needs ruminant animals. See Alan Savory, the
> Savory Institute or Holistic Manangement for more info on that.
>> Terran E. Longacre
> Sent from one of my iThingies
> On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 7:16 PM, David Zahrt via OE
> <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
> Y'all,
> I was surprised about how much dialogue there was about my raising the
> question of practicing a vegan diet.
> I went to a Porch Jam on May 1 (bring your instruments and improvise). The
> gal who was sponsoring it brought snacks that looked vegan. I asked her
> about it and she said that her family saw the movie COWSPIRACY. And after
> they aw the movie they became Vegan!
> Have you seen the movie? I'd like to find a place to check the DVD out and
> begin showing it locally.
> URL info---
> Have you seen the movie COWSPIRACY?
> You might not to like its message but its clear that we are being violent
> to the animals we produce and using up our environment while producing
> them.
> If you haven't seen info about it I'm enclosing several URLs
> http://www.cowspiracy.com
> http://www.cowspiracy.com/infographic/
> Peace, David
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