[Oe List ...] Election . . .

Joan jfknutson at aol.com
Wed Nov 6 18:13:18 PST 2024

 I just got off a Zoom call with Third Act that was a sensitive, helpful reflection on where we are today.  There were 1000 people on the call.  There were tears, practical to-do's, permission to grieve before "getting on the move again.Who knew we could have such experience.
Joan Knutson
    On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 05:05:13 PM MST, Linda and Milan Hamilton via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:   

 Thanks and the conversation is going on here too. Even surprisingly at the gym encountering a couple of hispanic guys who overheard a conversation on the tread mill and entered into it with their own feelings and sharing about the women in their lives and how it affected them. M
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 6, 2024, at 3:16 PM, Bill Parker via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:

We talked of “the collapse of Western Civilization” 60 years or so ago and this is what it looks like and how it feels. It was delayed by the astounding economic growth and the agency women gained to bring into a household another whole salary. But now, it is here and without returning to the past our experience in those 60 years tells us how to meet this historical moment, and on whose behalf we meet it. Given the diaspora of where we all are, there could be a dramatic and creative response to this moment. 

Bill Parker 

On Nov 6, 2024, at 4:16 PM, Jann McGuire via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:

Thank you, Ellie.  I needed that.
On Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 7:42 AM Ellie Stock via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:

 Dear Friends,

For me, this is indeed a sad day for the United States, and perhaps the world.  Trump's vision and actions are based on illusion--a house of cards built on sand, in the long run unsustainable and destructive.  Now, we are called to continue to live into the values and truths that have guided us--love, kindness, compassion, courage, peace, beauty, justice, and gratitude for this amazing, interrelated world--and work toward a sustainable and resilient Earth and all that is in it.  It will be a bumpy ride, as humanity and Earth are experiencing a great, maybe the greatest transition affecting and collapsing all humanity's systems and structures and Earth's systems.  Wherever we are, we, as individuals and as communities, need to discern how best continue to be sustainable and resilient communities and perhaps be a catalyst for midwifing the yet unseen and new ways of living that will be in sync with Earth and all our relatives--animal, vegetable and mineral.
It is raining here today--maybe Earth's tears of grief; but, whether we see it or not, the sun is still there, gifting us another day and the energy with which to live it in humility, gratitude and compassion and passion.    Grace and peace ~ Ellie  

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