[Oe List ...] FYI: Zoom Conversations with Matthew Fox: Be Involved in the Great Turning: Join Us Tomorrow Tues, 1/25!
Ellie Stock
elliestock at aol.com
Mon Jan 24 13:43:20 PST 2022
Hi Folks,
FYI: See below: Zoom conversation with Matthew Fox, Order of the Sacred Earth regarding responding the present/futre times of societal collapse and the future of Earth and rebirthing community.
Ellie elliestock at aol.com
-----Original Message-----
From: Order of the Sacred Earth <orderofthesacredearth at gmail.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 24, 2022 5:32 am
Subject: Be Involved in the Great Turning: Join Us Tomorrow!
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collaborate with a dynamic global Earth-centered community in 2022? Read on for more information and be involved!
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Order of the Sacred Earth
| Dear Beloved Community,
Happy (almost) Lunar New Year to you all (February 1st)! It feels like life is speeding up and inviting us to come out of our caves of 2020 and 2021. Join us tomorrow (information below!) for an online council to connect with the amazing folks within the OSE community and to get involved! Please read on for other ways to collaborate in moving our communal efforts forward as we create a more just and ecological human presence on Earth.
As so much continues to change in our world, it's often difficult to keep track of it all and to stay focused. As our lives continue to be challenged in this time of collapse and rebirth we feel that community is more important than ever. We give thanks for the privilege of being alive by making space for Earth to move through us in unique and new ways. We strive to listen and respond from the inner knowing that we are each held and supported by life. In this way, we allow ourselves (again and again) to trust in life's intelligence as we seek to bring forth vitality and connection. We're calling in the strength necessary to show up for the substantial grief and loss we're all experiencing in order to give our best efforts to the Great Turning now underway. |
| It is in this spirit that we gather tomorrow around our virtual council fire. Join us on Tuesday, January 25th at 4pm Pacific/7pm Eastern time for our monthly OSE Council Meeting. |
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| Our Councils are on the last Tuesday of each month.
Join Matthew Fox, Skylar Wilson, Mariko Middleton and others from the global OSE movement as we come together to listen, share, and to support one another within this growing movement. There are many ways to plug into our network as we create more avenues for cross-pollination and community support so please come with an open heart and mind!
| Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88665302478
Meeting ID: 886 6530 2478
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,88665302478# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,88665302478# US (Chicago) Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)Meeting ID: 886 6530 2478 |
| This will be a time to connect in community around the themes of working sustainably and consistently to build and expand a culture that honors the sacredness of the Earth and all life. Our intention is to create a container for connection and networking with other mystic warriors who are putting forth the intention and effort needed to make a difference within these crucial and challenging times. We have also enjoyed providing a space for new people to join us to learn more about this movement and share how they are being called to participate in the Great Turning of humanity.
In the past, we've had between 12-65 people join us from all over the world so the format changes from month to month. There will be time to briefly share what you're up to, what is present in your heart, or anything else that feels relevant to you and this movement. More than anything, this is a place to listen to one another and what has been happening within our extended network of ecoregional Pods who are meeting and rooting into their communities while creating change in both internal and systemic ways. |
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| Here are two video recordings of recent council meetings in case you're curious:
https://youtu.be/q9o6YJhKQ_M |
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| If you haven't already, please check out and subscribe to Matthew Fox's daily meditations: https://dailymeditationswithmatthewfox.org/ |
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| Again, we would love to hear from you! Please send us your ideas, stories, essays, poems, content, related and important events etc. and spread the word about this community within your circles so that we may continue to grow in service of all that we are. In community, Skylar, Matthew, and Mariko |
| Join an Online Collaboration Group to Support the OSE Community in Developing A Place for Deeper Conversation for Organizing Effectively!
Anita Manuel and Jesse London are exploring/creating an online space to connect for discussion, community making, and collaboration to organize Earth-Centered community. This is a space to hold some of the messy confusion and chaos present in our current moment while remembering our very real connections with life. It's a space for practicing pragmatic decision-making/acting within the web of life while simultaneously being faced with so much complexity. This could include exploring collaborative decision-making processes like Circle Forward:
Please Contact Anita and Jesse for more information and to collaborate: orderofthesacredearthoc at gmail.com and almanuelnw at gmail.com
OSE Community Member Seeks Your Stories
Do you have a short personal story that describes an experience of awakening to racial/social/ or environmental justice in ways that changed your life? Often this can begin in the realm of a deep contemplative experience. Together with friends from the Game Changer Intensive sponsored by the Pachamama Alliance, we began to uncover and share our stories convinced that they were powerful tools capable of shifting oneself and others toward engaged acts of justice.
Once the stories appeared, they kept coming: The Poor People’s March brings me for the first time face-to-face with police brutality. While hitching a ride from Texas to Michigan with a migrant family we confront racism. A Day of the Dead celebration brings healing to the family of a murdered child. Viewing a bomb shelter exhibit at the age of five convinces me that a nuclear war can never be won.
If you are interested in meeting others who are writing stories for awakening dreamers and moving toward the Great Turning, contact: Marijo Grogan at: marijogro at gmail.com.
Connect with Conservation Biologists and Restoration Efforts in your Ecoregion!
At the last gathering of the Council, Conservation Biologist Tom Baugh (hiddensprings2 at gmail.com) introduced us to an order of saints who are responsible for an incredible type of verifiable miracle. We called them Conservation Biologists, or Ecologists and their colleagues are Stewards or Rangers. And we described their miracles as quite literally the restoration of life on Earth. That is truly a miracle in this day and age.
These saints are often funded and supported by specialized nongovernmental organizations and sometimes governments. For example, the Bezos organization recently contributed $100 million dollars to the World wildlife Fund to save life on Earth (talking about buying indulgences). Also very recently, and more to the point, the government of Scotland approved the reintroduction of a small animal (about a meter long) called a beaver into Scotland. This little rodent does amazing things with logs, limbs and twigs, building dams across streams and other flowing water. The dams create ponds and the ponds attract plants, fish, birds, and other life of Earth.
The last wild beaver in Scotland was killed some 400 years ago. Other saints and their support teams have introduced beaver in other places with outstanding results. The miracles in this case include cleaner water better, storm water control and improved habitat for many forms of life… including humanity. Is this a little thing, a small miracle? Well maybe, but over the past several months I have read reports claiming that a beaver pond here and a beaver pond there add-up to helping offset climate change…and that’s a big miracle.
The reintroduction of beaver is only one of the efforts throughout Europe undertaken by the many of the 'rewilding' efforts and those efforts are succeeding.
Saints…miracles and returning life to Earth....meditate on that!
~Tom Baugh is a Biologist with a focus on Ecology and 30+ years experience in various aspects of Conservation Biology with one university and two US federal agencies. He has worked in wetland habitats from the US deserts and coasts, to the southern Appalachian Mountains and with numerous taxa from fish to plants. Tom is a member of several professional organizations and is published in the scientific, technical, and 'popular' literature.
Contact Tom to find out how to get your hands dirty while helping to create miracles in your area: hiddensprings2 at gmail.com.
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| Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the OSE!
Even a small donation would go a long way for growing our non-profit organization!
Among our goals for the coming year, we plan to make a directory of all of the local groups around the world who are participating in this movement. In this way, we hope to facilitate the support and cross-polination of the work that you are each doing on behalf of the healing of our Earth-based communities.
Donate via Paypal to: orderofthesacredearth at gmail.com
Donate via Check to:
Matthew Fox Legacy Project
PO Box 424533
San Francisco, CA 94142
Memo: Please indicate this is for the OSE (we have other projects that go into a different account).
All of the work we do to gather support for the Earth is done freely and any donations received simply help our reach to extend further! |
| PS: Visit us on Facebook at:
https://www.facebook.com/Orderofthesacredearth/ |
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| Click the graphic above to purchase a copy of the book, ' Order of the Sacred Earth'. |
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Click the graphic above to hear about the Order of the Sacred Earth. |
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