[Oe List ...] FW: Celebration of Forrest Craver's Life. Feb. 6, 3 pm MT.
Isobel and Jim
isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au
Fri Jan 21 14:54:42 PST 2022
Thank you Lynda for sharing the news of the passing on of Forrest. I remember working with him in at least one Summer Research Assembly. A deeply sincere and kind man.
Kindest regards,
Isobel Bishop
Isobel Bishop
Mob. 0412 129 425
> On 22 Jan 2022, at 9:25 am, Lynda C via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
> On behalf of the Craver family, I wanted to share this invitation with our OE community as the completed life of Forrest Craver is celebrated.
> Forrest and Susan were part of our Washington DC Religious House back around 1972-74 as I recall. We were in the very old Rhode Island Ave. Carmelite Monastary at first. Then followed a series of moves as the Carmelites wanted to use their old building for some of their social work projects. In 1973, a site was found that was deemed a good face to the world in the nation’s capital. The recently- built Viatorian Seminary near Catholic University was such a site. Forrest’s skills as a grant writer and lawyer put him the forefront of that difficult time of search and transition but finally resettling into the lovely new facility.
> With care to the family and fond memories of working with Forrest,
> Lynda and John Cock
> Davidson, NC
> 336-404-0770
> From: Joshua Craver <joshuacraver at hotmail.com>
> Date: Friday, January 21, 2022 at 10:45 AM
> To: Lynda Cock <lynda860 at outlook.com>, Larry & Ann Hatcher <larry_hatcher at msn.com>, "ann_hatcher at msn.com" <ann_hatcher at msn.com>, "murielcgriffin2 at hotmail.com" <murielcgriffin2 at hotmail.com>, "larry at thelotusinstitute.org" <larry at thelotusinstitute.org>, Joyce Sloan <jsloan45 at gmail.com>, Eileen and George Howard <eileen at singouteileen.com>, "LenH at efn.org" <LenH at efn.org>, David & Sherry Greenwald <degreenwald at gmail.com>, Jack and Louise Ballard <ballardica at gmail.com>, "1492kc at gmail.com" <1492kc at gmail.com>, "marlaburton1996 at gmail.com" <marlaburton1996 at gmail.com>, "lyndacock at gmail.com" <lyndacock at gmail.com>, "valmundy20 at gmail.com" <valmundy20 at gmail.com>, "tmenz81 at gmail.com" <tmenz81 at gmail.com>, "palafox.caqb at gmail.com" <palafox.caqb at gmail.com>, "gena4090 at yahoo.com" <gena4090 at yahoo.com>, "NancyDinCO at gmail.com" <NancyDinCO at gmail.com>, ADI Consulting <Adiconsultingpr at gmail.com>, "noahkier at gmail.com" <noahkier at gmail.com>, "hughmility22 at gmail.com" <hughmility22 at gmail.com>, "yaya.moyiondesign at gmail.com" <yaya.moyiondesign at gmail.com>, "lorirose at gmail.com" <lorirose at gmail.com>, "wildrose.mira at gmail.com" <wildrose.mira at gmail.com>, "iwillreyni at gmail.com" <iwillreyni at gmail.com>, "noahkier at gmail.com" <noahkier at gmail.com>, Prema Rose <premarose13 at gmail.com>, Susan Craver-Erickson <craversf at gmail.com>, "rogercraver at gmail.com" <rogercraver at gmail.com>, Caity Craver <caity.craver at donortrends.com>, Chris Craver <christophercraver at gmail.com>, "andrewcraver at yahoo.com" <andrewcraver at yahoo.com>, Kevin <kmcgovern11 at gmail.com>, murad <murad528 at gmail.com>, T-bird Moran <tmcmoran at gmail.com>, J Gilles <jackcgilles at gmail.com>, Paula Craver <colindee at 3rivers.net>
> Subject: Celebration of Forrest Craver's Life
> Greetings Everyone,
> Please join us for a celebration of Forrest Craver’s life Feb. 6th at 3pm MT. The zoom details for the gathering are listed below.
> During our celebration you will be given the option to share a story, poem, memory or anything else you like based on your interactions with Forrest.
> Feel free to forward this invite to any others who we may have missed that would like to join us.
> Join Zoom Meeting
> https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85915281389?pwd=R0tTWnJKZFRUeEs0MXp1aTJSdnFMQT09
> Meeting ID: 859 1528 1389
> Passcode: 321849
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> Meeting ID: 859 1528 1389
> Passcode: 321849
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