[Oe List ...] Adam, is it your birthday?

James Wiegel via OE oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Mon Nov 7 07:26:19 PST 2016

if so, we celebrate your being here,  if not, we still celebrate your being Jim Wiegel  
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      From: Adam Thomson via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
 To: Milan Hamilton <mellowmilan2 at gmail.com>; 'Susan Fertig' <sfertig at blueskytech.us>; 'Order Ecumenical Community' <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>; 'A.M. Noel' <anthonymarianoel at gmail.com> 
Cc: 'Order Ecumenical Community' <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
 Sent: Monday, November 7, 2016 2:54 AM
 Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Salmon: Clinton's relationship to E.I. -Dear Susan
>From Adam Thomson, Dover UK.

Y'all might be interested in this searing article in today Monday'sGuardian newspaper triggered by current concern over misogyny as itapplies to HRC.

I felt in shreds by the time I had finished reading it - but I was gladthat I had come across it.


Barbara Kingsolver is an American novelist, essayist and poet -that's all I know. Maybe someone on the list knows of her.

Love to all, Adam


In times of stress my beloved colleagues do come through with somestunning rehearsals in textual form of our reason for being what we are.That's why, after all these years, I still treasure this particular OrderEcumenical Community site. (I hope we don't discontinues this site soon,since I don't do to the social media sites).

I couldn't have put the case better than Milan, A.M. Noel, and Randyhave: however, I am reminded that it's not a question of shutting anyoneout. 

Susan still seems to be missing the point by saying rather plaintively"I won't be offended if you ask me to remove you from myemails." Of course I don't want Susan to remove me from her emails.

And also, Susan is missing the point by reproducing a political cartoon:how does that reinforce a particular message, or otherwise? 

As always, the issue is engagement. We wouldn't be having this somewhatstrained conversation if we had not been subjected to this veryparticular US Presidential Election - and having said that, it surely isa positive for us to be shaken out of any complacency concerning the waylife is, and for our awareness to be increased.

So I say, let us continue to keep on keeping on. I soak up the words ofmy colleagues and I am indeed invigorated. There is going to be lots todo.

We need to deploy candour without rancour when it is needed.

We need to resort to our RS1 knowledge: the Word is indeed offensive -but in spite of that, our challenge is to accept the fact that we areaccepted.

Love from Adam Thomson

At 02:56 PM 06-11-16, Milan Hamilton wrote:

The hatred and vitriolic utterances that I have heard coming from theHillary haters, and to have to bear it from some of those who have beenthrough the same theological and sociological education that I have beenexposed to, is giving me pause in these days. What has happened toBonhoeffer, who would be turning over in his grave, not to mention oureschatological hero, JC. What has happened to “innocent until provenguilty†and then what of the eternal Word that was planted in historymore than 2000 years ago, and in fact has been true since the big bang?What of the All is good, All is received, accepted and possible? What offorgiveness? What about leaving the judgment to One, and only One,capable of judgment. What of the “those who care†as neitherbelonging to the establishment nor the dis-establishment? Thetrans-establishment? I wonder if all that work we did is now lost on us?I for one will go to bed Tuesday night, celebrating our first womanPresident, or lamenting the ignorance of our citizenry (and I meanignorance not in the derogatory fashion, but in its more literal andhistoric meaning) in electing The Donald. But I will not arise on Tuesdayand move to Canada or Mexico. We endured 8 years of the wrong decisionsof the Bush administration and we will survive four (hopefully), or eightif necessary of the alternative. This election should be a wake-up callto all who value freedom and the weird form of democracy that is ourRepublic. Peace, Peace, even when there is no Peace! 
Milan Hamilton
Aka Mellowmilan
80 North Center Street
Redlands, CA 92373
909-735-5163 (H)
909-556-5815 (M)
E-mail:mellowmilan2 at gmail.com
Blog 2:www.mellowmilansite.wordpress.com
From: OE[mailto:oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of SusanFertig via OE
Sent: Saturday, November 5, 2016 6:38 PM
To: A.M. Noel <anthonymarianoel at gmail.com>; Order EcumenicalCommunity <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>; Adam Thomson<adam.thomson007 at btinternet.com>
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Salmon: Clinton's relationship to E.I.-Dear Susan

Susan Fertig-Dykes
(personal email account)
And the Lord shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul indrought .  Isaiah 58:11
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From: OE[mailto:oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of A.M. Noelvia OE
Sent: Friday, November 04, 2016 10:26 AM
To: Adam Thomson<adam.thomson007 at btinternet.com>; Order Ecumenical Community<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Salmon: Clinton's relationship to E.I.-Dear Susan
Dear Colleages,
History is once again being created by the very first women president inthe USA. The world has been wiating for this moment and she is the Bestand the most caring human being  in spite of her mistakes. Linda andI have moved to the city of contribution (DC). We are all ready begunwith theChicago cubs winning the world series and Hillary soon winingthe, Ceelebrattion time come on Lets celebrate and have the best time. .
A.M. Noel 

A.M. Noel
On Thu, Nov 3, 2016 at 12:30 AM, Adam Thomson via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:    
      - From Adam Thomson, Dover in the UK,
      - As one who originally consciously and physically joined the SpiritMovement in 1972, I have been stimulated by the responses in this stream- especially from Jaime, Dharma and Randy.
      - I was also negatively stimulated by Susan Fertig's commentsconcerning HRC, and applauded Randy's posting on that. 
      - I had been struck by Susan's comments that revealingly included,"I've heard for years about this possible connection to EI/ICA, andI truly hope it's not true. It would be a horrible embarrassment to themovement."
      - I have to say that Sue Fertig - even after many years - still has notgrasped what the "movement" is about, at least in part: as theSpirit Movement - as the forgiven ones - we are not"embarrassed" by the actions or otherwise of anyone allegedlyor otherwise connected with it.
      - As it happens, I am still smarting from Susan's outrageous comments,including alleging that HRC was a criminal. 
      - And then, last night (Wednesday) in the UK, I happened to see MichaelMoore's most recent short film, "Michael Moore in Trumpland",which cheered me up no end.
      - I STRONGLY recommend people see this. Michael Moore was filmed doinga one-hour stand-up routine in Wilmington OH before an audience ofcommitted HRC-haters, and the result was fascinating. Michael certainlyput HRC's alleged past into a perspective that was helpful tome.   

      - By the way - our daughter Mary (born July 4 1978 at Weiss MemorialHospital in Chicago) has taken great pains to exert her right to a VOTEas a US citizen (for the first time!), and she posted off her absenteeballot yesterday. I'm not telling anybody how she voted...
      - Do try and see "Michael Moore in Trumpland", ASAP. It's atremendous documentary.
      - Love to all, Adam Thomson
      - "At 12:31 PM 03-11-16, via OE wrote:       
         - Thanks for this very helpful insight, Dharma.  As we areconsumed with the rancor between left and right in this country, thebroader view calls us to consider what issues deserve our attention whenit comes to being compassionate and responsible world citizens. 
         - Catherine Welch, Denver 
         - From: DharmalingamVinasithamby via OE 
         - Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2016 7:16 PM 
         - To: Len Hockley ;laurelcg at aol.com ;Order Ecumenical Community ;Order Ecumenical Community 
         - Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Salmon: Clinton's relationship to E.I.-Dear Susan 
         - As an outsider, being in the Order/ICA gave me a close-up view of theUS and how its citizens related to it. In all those years, beginning withNixon all the way up to Obama, I’ve seen it invade and destroy nationsaround nd the world, releasing waves of refugees and other miseries. Butwithin  the US, people lived in a cocoon that helped them averttheir eyes. I remember the Vietnam war protesters and the many youngpeople who fled the US in order not to be driven to kill “gooksâ€overseas. I noticed that at at best, we were silent on this and at worst,disapproving. When I look back, I see that the protesters were the“sensitive e and responsive†part that Niebuhr wrote about. I alsonoticed the hunger among us to cite links to famous figures whilepointing out that to live in the “no longer and the e not-yet†wasto be “nobodies†.  Perhaps this was was the effect ofconsuming the stories meant for our framing and fund-raising strategies. 
         - I see that same hunger now reflected in recalling some distantcrossing of trails with Hillary Clinton. Americans have been set up bythe political elite to adopt positions around two equally ugly candidatesput before them for the exercise of their “democratic rights†€ .For all the emotions the Republican-Democrat tension evokes in ouremails, election after election, that rivalry is a sham. This is a nationruled by a “single party with two o factions†. Whichever you praiseor denigrate, the real owners of the land always win. And for the rest ofus around the world, we can only wait for the light from this “beaconon n the hill†to eventually fade. Then, perhaps, the US will take its place as an ordinary member in the community of nations. 
         - Dharma      

      - On Wednesday, 2 November 2016, 7:33, Len Hockley via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:   

      - Dido Jon,  The Naked Now by Richard Rohr is required reading!
      - Len Hockley
      - On 11/1/2016 2:58 PM, via OE wrote:       
         - Love this, Jon. Thanks. 
         - Jann      

         - -----Original Message----- 
         - From: jonzondo at juno.com via OEmailto:oe at lists.wedgeblade.net 
         - To: isobeljimbishmailto:isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au; oemailto:oe at lists.wedgeblade.net 
         - Cc: oemailto:oe at lists.wedgeblade.net 
         - Sent: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 1:37 pm 
         - Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Salmon: Clinton's relationship to E.I. -Dear Susan
         - Dear Group. 
         - Jon Elizondo here.  Son of Tony and Ellery. 
         - Long time "Order kid" and short time Order adult.
         - This conversation is very important, especially with all theperspectives. 
         - I will try to hone in now on one of my key points. 
         - The change needed in the system is huge.  Our current system isincredible broken in so many ways.  We are a first world country"purposefully" going backwards by not investing in ourinfrastructure nor in our people.  
         - In my observation and opinion, much of the national frustration showsitself in the desire to elect Trump, or Bernie, or any alternative. The "Cry" for change is massive, and will not let up.  
         - One of the traps is either/or thinking. 
         - one of the ways forward is both/and/plus-more thinking. 
         - One of the traps is "personal attacks". 
         - one of the ways forward is "come join us at the table". 
         - What I know in my bones is that we are all connected.  Thatmysterious truth, combined with my passion & respect, is my key tointentionally moving forward. 
         - Walk in Beauty, 
         - Jon 

         - ---------- Original Message ---------- 
         - From: Isobel Bishop via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> 
         - To: Wilson Priscilla H<pris at teamtechpress.com>, Order Ecumenical Community<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> 
         - Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Salmon: Clinton's relationship to E.I. -Dear Susan 
         - Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2016 07:23:32 +1100
         - Thankyou for this conversation, colleagues. I appreciate the 
         - Honesty, pain and fear expressed in 
         - depth,to give us outsiders some real hope. 
         - Thankyou all. 
         - In peace and love, 
         - Isobel 
         - Sent from my iPhone
         - On 2 Nov 2016, at 7:02 am, Wilson Priscilla H via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: 
         - No one has said that better, Randy. You should put that onFacebook…so we can all copy your words. 
         - Priscilla Wilson 
         - On Nov 1, 2016, at 2:35 PM, Joyce Sloan via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: 
         - Well said, Randy!! 
         - On Nov 1, 2016 2:20 PM, "Randy Williams via OE"<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: 
         - I keep asking, but still have not seen, one shred of verifiableevidence to substantiate the charge that Hillary has committed a criminalact of any sort. She's made serious mistakes like with the privateserver, she has not been as transparent as she could and perhaps shouldhave been, she got paid a lot of money for some speeches (but less thansome men), she's flip-flopped on some positions she's taken like on TPP,she has a super-healthy ego (an asset for a man but a huge liability fora woman in our culture), she didn't play nice when she was First Ladytrying to get health care passed, as Secretary of State she traveled theworld and spoke truth to power like the Premier of China, and after muchgut-wrenching deliberation and prayer she chose to stay true to her vowto her husband of "for better or worse" through"worse." And to add insult to injury, she decided to run to bethe first woman in the Office of President of the United States. How dareshe. Despise her for all those things and hate all her positions on theissues, but don't accuse her of being a criminal unless you have somerock solid proof that hours and years and millions of dollars worth ofhearings, investigations and witch hunts by scores of governmentagencies, news media and nondescript malcontents have been unable toproduce. I've heard the rumors, innuendos, exaggerations, conjecture,gross distortions and outright lies, everything but verifiable truth. Gotany? Then let's have it. But double check your sources before you put itout there because there really are some malingering, deplorable liarsafoot in the land and a lot of fools are believing them and thenrepeating what they heard them say and calling it truth, and it justisn't. 
         - Randy 
         - Sent from my iPad 
         - On Nov 1, 2016, at 12:15 PM, Susan Fertig via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: 
         - Trump was never my choice, and Hillary is a criminal--her vision forthe country is my first nightmare. And Trump is just as flawed. Both ofthem scare me to death. But neither if the other candidates is really anoption either. I fear we're about to see this great American experimentin democracy become something no less evil than the many kleptocraciesaround the world. 
         - Susan 
         - Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid 
         - On Nov 1, 2016 11:55 AM, Judi White<sophiacircle at gmail.com> wrote: 
         - Well,  what you wrote is what Frumper repeats over and over.Mist who parrot him do support him. 
         - I Personally prefer to read responses to a candidates vision for thisnation. 
         - Also I stand firm in ny admiration which  never ceases, of thiswoman who has continued in spite of the unbelievable accusations whichare so blown up out of the real world of truth and honesty that it iscause for seriously asking "Why?". 
         - Why the hell bent mission to destroy a solid vision for this nationand this planet? There is no other candidate who shines so brightly andqualified to be an example for our children and grandchildren at thistime.  Rightly so. 
         - On Nov 1, 2016 12:20 PM, "Susan Fertig via OE"<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: 
         - How in the world did you infer that I must be a Trump supporter frommy message? 
         - Susan 
         - Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid 
         - On Nov 1, 2016 7:56 AM, Ken Fisher<kenfisher1942 at gmail.com> wrote: 
         - Dear Susan, 
         - Writing to you as a Canadian Christian and 16-year Order member, I amawed by your commitment to American Republicanism and conservativeChristianity. How in the world did you spend so much time with theEI/OE/ICA community and have your world view remain unaffected? 
         - From the perspective of Canada, we are 87% supporters of HRC and theimage of America she represents.  Probably Russia is 87% in favourof Donald. 
         - Each and every ‘crime’ that I have read read about that isattributed to Hillary has been most grandly committed by Republicans inprevious Bush administrations. 
         - Surely you would agree that Donald Trump is an out and out racist,sexist, homophobe, parochial narcissist and most of all a climate changedenier? HRC is none of the above. Thankfully, she is responsive to bothBernie and to Elizabeth. We may get out of this mess yet. 
         - Your phrase: "only values I see are  abject greed, apathological allegiance to lies, and arrogant flaunting of her ability tocircumvent the law. She has done absolutely nothing to improve the livesof the poor and disadvantaged yet claims she has in the face of allevidence to the contrary.†is really the truth that the world seesabout Trump. 
         - I would invite you to see all that as a projection. 
         - Should Trump take ownership of any of the above, that would be a finemoment of grace. Would you not agree? 
         - Margaret Atwood, (a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic,essayist, and environmental activist) describes America in the midst of aSalem type witch hunt. I agree. It is, at the bottom a war against women. 
         - While there are indeed my contradictions in American society thatboth the Republican and Democratic administrations must answer for, theattached article came closest - for me - in describing how the Republicanvoice has committed itself to an ‘end d game’ and it would seemthat indeed, the GOP will ll ‘end’. 
         - Love and best wishes to you, Susan and to all Trump supporters whohave been left without any vision other than rebellion or depression. 
         - We are all responsible. Everyone. 
         - Ken in Canada. 

A Republican intellectual explains why the Republican Party isgoing to die

      - http://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/1 2256510/republican-party-trump-avik-roy 
      - On Nov 1, 2016, at 12:03 AM, Susan Fertig via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: 
      - Values??? The only values I see are  abject greed, apathological allegiance to lies, and arrogant flaunting of her ability tocircumvent the law. She has done absolutely nothing to improve the livesof the poor and disadvantaged yet claims she has in the face of allevidence to the contrary. I've heard for years about this possibleconnection to EI/ICA, and I truly hope it's not true. It would be ahorrible embarrassment to the movement. 
      - Susan 
      - Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Droid 
      - On Oct 31, 2016 11:22 PM, William Salmon via OE<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: 
      - Colleagues-- 
      -     So many raise the question concerning HillaryClinton's relationship to E.I. I decided to cast this bread upon thewaters. The first sign is that while I addressed it to Hillary Clinton,an alternate address popped up. Consequently, it may really get to herattention, to that of some aid. May it be a Kool-Aid. 
      -     Inner Peace, 
      -     Bill 
      - Mrs. Hillary Clinton: 
      -     It is my prayer that this reaches you concerningyour experience in 5th City, Chicago, or it could have been in Evanston.Your Youth Director, Don Jones, must have been at a training event tobecome known as RS-I. About the same time, a large number of us dedicatedourselves to this renewal movement that grew from our experience inChicago Ghetto to literally embrace the world. 
      -     It makes me wonder if your experience under hisleadership influenced the values you hold dear, and now wish to step ontothe platform of the Presidency to do for our United States and for theworld what was embraced by the courageous citizens in 5th City. 
      -     You carry my prayers during this last turbulentweek. You have my vote. 
      -     Grace and Peace, 
      -     Pastor William E. Salmon 
      -     744 So. 10th 
      -     Salina, KS  67401 
      -    wsalmon at cox.net 
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