[Oe List ...] a Jaime update
via OE
oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Tue Sep 1 20:03:27 PDT 2015
This is sort of an ICA, Imaginal Ed, etc. concern surrounding one of your colleagues:
Jaime Update
It is a truism that we get messages from relatives and colleaguesbecause somehow they need something concrete from us, or just wants us toknow. Our colleague Herman Greene had toqualify a mailing done on behalf of CES that gave a particular impression. We will forego such precision. I am sending this mail on both.
It is now September, a month after the island got devastatedby the unexpected fierce winds of typhoon Soudelor. In addition to the stress on power and water(with the whole of the Pacific coming out to restore us to normal), we do notexpect to get our ordinary lives back until another month or two in Saipan,says the Commonwealth Utilities Company. They do assure us that buying Christmas lights will not be in vain.
Meanwhile, I have to deal with a recalcitrant US immigrationto make sure members of my family have legal cover (they denied my four yearold petition on a technicality because I had three addresses - Saipan, China,Hawaii, and unheeded notices in Hawaii resulted in an "abandonment"of process).
A consequence of the typhoon is the delay in the opening ofthe public school system and a widespread destruction of facilities andequipment. My expectation to teachSocial Studies at the High School level has, I suspect, been sidestepped byHR's choice to engage cheaper entry-level personnel rather than the slightlymore expensive returning vet. I have yetto hear from the public school, one way or the other.
Which is to say, I am back to square one. Colleagues in Alaska, Houston, Tar Heels andNYC came through with substantial assist when I had my transition from China toSaipan. SS declared I was two yearsshort of qualifying for benefits so I thought I would get back into theworkforce for at least two years. Icould not be gainfully employed in China due to my age (60 is retirement forlocals, 65 for foreigners) and the income I earned (meager but enough) wasineligible for SS credit even if I paid the necessary taxes.
Earlier, I registered for a license dba Waterbear LanguageStudio, focusing on teaching folks how to learn and get a lingo in theprocess (so far, I've only been more like an ICA extension office to thenumerous menial contract workers needing to improve on their communicationskills), and Earthbound Enterprises thatpromote, inter alia, eco-friendlytourism of choice spots in this island paradise looks like an HDP in Mactan. The logo for Waterbear is the planet withnetwork spheres; Earthbound is a geo-physical image of islands, landmass andocean trenches in the western Pacific.
The following samples were from an earlier draft, with thecolumnist for ST excised since I am not strictly an ST employee, and the wordon the logo with the spheres that of Waterbear Language Studio. The address and phones remain the same. The email address of PinoyPanda2031 at aol.com, which appears in my Saipan Tribune opinion column, was also included.
(image would not send so I am attaching the card drafts.)
There is no pitch, just an invitation of those who mighthave something to "invest", to use an old metaphor, prayerfullyso. I am looking at chunks of $1K and ifyou are inclined, please get in touch.
Jaime R Vergara
PinoyPanda2031 at aol.com
j'aime la vie
yesterday, appreciate; tomorrow, anticipate; today, participate! in all, celebrate!
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