[Oe List ...] On Being Mortal

SteveHar via OE oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Tue Dec 2 05:29:46 PST 2014

Thanks Bill Salmon for your "being mortal" celebration vision for yourself. 

I'm just now working on a new draft of my "Five Wishes" document that sets out
-the person I want to make care decisions for me when I can't
-the kind of medical treatment I want/don't want
-how comfortable I want to be
-how I want people to treat me
-what I want my loved ones to know

I'm also updating my POLST document which is signed by my doc and specifies what the 1st responders are supposed to do when someone calls 911 emergency on my behalf. (No extraordinary life support mechanisms please, no  high-speed chase, please, to the emergency room please)

I've begun reading Atul Gawande author, Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End.

Very interesting how he invites people at the end of life to act out their freedom and not be dominated by automatic emergency room procedures. 

You can get a taste here

BBC4 Radio talk 42 minutes: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04bsgvm
Review of the book Being Mortal Boston Globe

Meeting this morning with a friend from my Mens Group on my documents. I hope to sponsor a session on the 5 wishes at a session soon.

Your example of saying into existence how you want people to treat you and celebrate at the end of your life is brilliant. 

Message from:  Steve
Skype:  consultharrington
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