[Oe List ...] Mulling over current chaos

James Wiegel jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 16 16:15:33 PDT 2012

Quote attributed to Hillary Clinton that seems to add to this conversation:

"As long as there are those who are willing to shed blood and take innocent life in the name of religion--in the name of God--the world will never know a true and lasting peace."

Seems as though religions, especially the 3 Abrahamic ones, put the greatest emphasis on death as the ultimate sacrifice . . .  

see also this cartoon . . .

Jim Wiegel

"The problem with quotes on the internet is that it is hard to verify their authenticity."  Abraham Lincoln

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--- On Sun, 9/16/12, Marge Philbrook <msphilbrook at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Marge Philbrook <msphilbrook at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Mulling over current chaos
To: "Order Ecumenical Community" <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Date: Sunday, September 16, 2012, 5:47 AM

Thanks for your time to make this statement.  Several of us are focusing on archives these next few days and are looking for the wisdom that needs to be preserved from our past, that is in our present and still needs to be disseminated again and again.  Grace and Peace, Marge Philbrook

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Del Morril <delhmor at wamail.net> wrote:

Dear family and

Have been mulling
over recent events:


 “They will hand you over to be tortured and will put
you to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of my name.”

has proved to be true – Jesus and many of his followers went to their
deaths because of their beliefs.  It amazes me the tremendous sacrifice many
have been called to make as martyrs to their causes – Jesus and his
disciples, MLK, Jr. and all those who preceded him in the Civil Rights
movement, Gandhi and all those who chose to follow into the sticks and stones
of those who didn’t agree in nationalizing India, and all the other
incredibly brave souls in history who held their beliefs so strongly that they
faced death daily.  They knew each day could be their last, yet moved forward
and let others follow; doing the same because they truly believed that act
would build a better world for others.  

of us spend our lives making the world better for us!  That certainly includes
me.  Is it any wonder that so many who think they can follow such brave leaders
give up – they get scared (understandably – I certainly would under
sustained assault), or they become convinced the cause isn’t as important
as they first thought, or they get upset with a colleague who uses the cause
for their own gain, or for who knows how many other reasons.  

may be appalled by the terrorist of our day who strap their bombs to
themselves, yet I have to admire such amazing dedication – that and the
other “kamikazes” of the world who believe in something so fully
(rightly or wrongly from our point of view) that they are willing to give up
their most precious gift – their own lives for that cause.  My daring
acts have been very sudden and brief, and may have made a difference to only
one person at any one time. I’m too much of a coward to every go any
farther than that!

the news is filled with hatred toward America – so what else is new?  I
am in awe over those who choose to take on assignments in such areas of the
world where their lives are constantly unsafe, to say the least. Locally, I
continue to be in awe of police and fire workers for the same reason.  They don’t
do this for themselves, or they would find safer ways to work.  They do this
for their society’s safety and betterment.

I am especially grateful for this. 


continued affection and friendship,







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