[Oe List ...] Memories

Lawrence Philbrook larry at icatw.com
Sat Jun 9 08:33:40 PDT 2012

Several years ago I was able to go to New Zealand and share with our 
colleagues their at a Maori Marai, the opening ritual was a song and 
story to communicate your connection to each other, to the land, the sea 
and the mountain.  For me it was especially powerful since I have spent 
so much of my life with colleagues from Australia and New Zealand and 
the opportunity to sing with them and to them.

I am sorry I have not spoken to the earlier deaths it has felt like so 
many, I feel unable to articulate how much each person has meant to me 
in my life.  Each will be missed and each represents songs and stories 
that echo through my life and our lives.

As for Frank, my first memory of Frank was when I was 10 and he and 
Aimee were with the children on the west side for breakfast or dinner 
Aimee was joy and light and Frank was large and serious, and a little 
frightening to me.  In 1972, Frank taught with me on the last RSI i 
remember teaching.  I was 18 and in Washington DC I think. He was the 
first teacher and I was probably third. I do not remember anything about 
the course except spending the evening with Frank in a bar talking about 
the life I was choosing.

Robert Shropshire i knew only briefly in the sense of time, he had a 
gift of sharing and transforming. In my academy we were assigned to work 
together to prepare and then he was my teacher.  He had a way of 
communicating that was at one humorous and piercing to the core of the 

I will miss them both and they will both be with me forever.

With love and respect, Larry

Lawrence Philbrook, Certified ToP Facilitator
Director, Institute of Cultural Affairs Taiwan
www.icatw.com Tel: 8862-2871-3150 Fax: 8862-2871-2870
Skype: icalarry

President ICA International/ Member Global Leadership Team
ICAI Office c/o ICA Canada, 655 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON.  M4M 1G4 Canada

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