[Oe List ...] Book List

jlepps at pc.jaring.my jlepps at pc.jaring.my
Mon Aug 13 23:04:08 PDT 2012

Here's  partial list of books that have influenced me:

I. Business
•       In search of Excellence – Peters and 
Waterman: a documentation of how excellent companies operate humanly
•       Built to Last – Collins and Porras: 
documentation of how visionary companies operate 
beyond a quest for profits with a purpose of benefitting society
•       Borderless Business – Mann & Goetz: 
Essays on working effectively in the global 
society includes the social process triangle & corporate process triangle

II. Society
•       The End of American Exceptionalism – 
Bechovich (sp?): The challenge to become one in 
the world of nations rather than THE one.
•       Riding the Waves of Culture – Trompenaars 
& Hampden/Turner: Identifying the characteristics 
of different cultures, both national and company.
•       The Nature of Prejudice – Gordon Allport: 
Somewhat old, but a classic on the dynamics of social and racial prejudice
•       The Secular City – Harvey Cox: the urban 
revolution has happened and is worth celebrating

III. Theology
•       Radical Monotheism and Western Culture – 
H. Richard Niebuhr: Spells out the paradox of 
monotheism: All is unworthy and all is good!
•       The History of Christian Thought – Paul 
Tillich: A fantastic and readable story of how 
and why theology developed the way it has (transcribed lectures)
•       The Noise of Solemn Assemblies – Peter 
Berger: The Church’s sociological reality belies its theological intents
•       Christ Without Myth – Schubert Ogden: 
Getting beyond the stories to the reality that the Christ story communicates
•       Bending History, I & II  -- J.W. Mathews: 
Joe’s classic theological and sociological talks.

IV. Fiction
•       The George Smiley Trilogy (Tinker, 
Tailor, Soldier, Spy; The Honorable Schoolboy; 
Smiley’s People) – John LeCarre: The hero was 
personally inept but professionally outstanding 
in serving a cause higher than the immediate 
circumstances. We’re sort of undercover agents 
for the Other World, and I’ve found George to be an inspiring role model.
•       The Harry Potter Series (1-7) – J.K. 
Rowlings: She sets up 2 parallel universes, one 
“normal” and the other wondrous (but they are 
actually the same universe); the business of 
wizards is to protect us “muggles” from 
perceiving the wonders that are present. Our 
mission, on the other hand, is to help our 
clients and colleagues to perceive and appreciate this wondrous universe.

John Epps
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