[Dialogue] After the Great Eclipse

Frank Knutson via Dialogue dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net
Tue Aug 22 14:16:52 PDT 2017

I drove over 1000 miles—to Arco, Idaho @ Craters of the Moon National Monument—to witness the event.  Magnificent, Spectacular, Awe filled.  I agree with you Marshall—a once in a lifetime event.  When, suddenly, the Corona appeared, it grew dark, people cheered and then SNAP the sun took over again.  It was more than worth the effort to drive so far.  On my return trip I became aware of the awe-filledness of every day life, just tune in.  Life is perfect, just the way it is— The Good, Bad and the Ugly.

“Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of light.”

 -Dylan Thomas


> On Aug 22, 2017, at 1:50 PM, Ken Fisher via Dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
> A Love Like That 
> The sun never says to the earth, “You owe me.
> Look what happens with a love like that.
> It lights the whole sky.
> Hafiz
> On Aug 22, 2017, at 4:20 PM, W. J. via Dialogue <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net <mailto:dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net>> wrote:
> I was extraordinarily privileged to witness the Great Eclipse yesterday from close to the center line of totality.
> 'Awesome' doesn't begin to describe my experience.
> Further thoughts on the Great Eclipse:
> 1. It's so difficult for those acculturated to Western ways to 'stop doing' and 'just be aware.' This was a rare chance to just give in to being transfixed for a few minutes and possibly open up to contemplating the deep Mystery of the created Universe. And why there is Something rather than Nothing. And our Somethingness and our Nothingness. And who I am in relation to all creation and the Great Unknown.
> 2. So we immediately think, 'There's going to be another one in 14 years.' Another way to use anticipation or rationalization to escape from the moment of just being in the great Now.
> 3. There's so much beauty in the Universe. But it can take the astonishing beauty of an unusual experience of a celestial event to bring us back to being aware of the Great Beauty of Everydayness. So why are we so eager to escape?
> 4. There are always many things on everybody's 'To Do' List. And thus a kazillion excuses  NOT to stop and pay attention to a Great Eclipse. Especially if our unconscious Comfort Zone is about staying with the Daily Grind of ordinary life. What Radical Newness are we afraid to face? Awareness of our mortality, maybe?
> 5. To see a Total Eclipse, you gotta be in the 'Zone of Totality.' You gotta be in the Path of the oncoming great shadow of the moon. And for most of us, you gotta decide to get on that Path. So what Path of life are you on today? Very few just happen to show up at the right spot out of sheer luck. Most of us gotta stop doing everything else and just go! Or not. And if you're in the 'not' group, what are you saying about you? 'Next time', maybe?
> 6. You gotta be prepared for the event. So get ready to get on your chosen Path. Order your eclipse glasses in advance, plus whatever other gear (telescopes, filters, hats, etc.) you'll need to be able to actually see the celestial event.
> 7. Even if you get very close to Totality, deciding to stay back in the '99.998% Zone' is NOT the same being 'all in' or in the '100% Zone.' There IS a HUGE difference in your experience if you can't go all the way to 100%.
> 8. It's absolutely totally OK to decide either way. Those who Go aren't any better or more human than those who stay behind.
> 9. And no matter how well-chosen your spot is on the Path of Totality, there is always the possibility that clouds will obscure your view, or you could get rained on and sopping wet. You know, that just happens to some unlucky people! Some things are beyond our control. So plan ahead and carry an umbrella.
> 10. If you do decide to go, stay alert in the Now! Don't let exhaustion, sleepiness, or petty distractions rob you of your experience. The eternal Now is all you get to play with.
> Marshall Jones
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