[Dialogue] Rob Duffy's passing

Isobel and Jim Bishop via Dialogue dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net
Thu May 19 03:11:46 PDT 2016

Isobel and  Jim Bishop
isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au

Thank you John and and Nancy.  Jim is still writing his/ our  reflections to be read at the Service. We have sat down and thought of what we would like to mention from our hearts.

In peace,


On 19/05/2016, at 12:54 AM, Nancy Lanphear <nancy at songaia.com> wrote:

> Dear Ones, 
> I celebrate with the Duffy family and with each one of us as we bid farewell to Rob, celebrating his life and his final earthly transition.  We can never really know the number or scope of the ripples that Rob's life and work have initiated - we celebrate those as well.  Thank you, Rob!
> We have journeyed together for soooooo many years and so many miles, gathering friends into our circle as we went along .... now it seems time that many of us take yet another turn, perhaps into a deeper unknown that any other assignment could have possible been.   And, we do have a history of daring to walk into many unknown assignments, perhaps most of them over the years.  What was your greatest unknown? 
> Here is a song that has become a community love song for me - it holds old images and yet somehow they ring true?  Some of you may remember Joe telling this story, others may never have heard it.  I know Jack Gilles told it in one of his stories in and around Gordon Harper's death.  My memory of the story goes like this - when you get to heaven, stop and wait!  When all of the "blue shirts" arrive, we'll all walk through those Pearly Gates together.  May it be so!
> https://youtu.be/JgKh6B-o7xU
> In gratitude for your lives and mine, 
> Nancy

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