[Dialogue] [Oe List ...] GoingVegan

Nancy Lanphear via Dialogue dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net
Sun May 10 13:30:02 PDT 2015

I heard a story on PBS the other day of a new product called Cricket
Powder.  It really is made of roasted and ground crickets!  I do not
know how well the crickets are cared for nor anything more about the
process. Yet, the crickets are very high in protein and other
nutrients and do not take up space on earth nor water/feed, that large
animals do.  Just another piece in the decision making puzzel.


On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Tracy Longacre via OE
<oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
> Going vegan is a viable choice, but of course will do nothing to change the
> American beef industry. And be assured, the cruelty with which we raise
> animals (particularly cows, pigs & chickens) in factory farms is an almost
> exclusively American phenomenon.
> Consumers who buy sustainably and humanely raised meat, eggs & milk are
> already supporting ethical farmers to the extent that more and more are
> getting into the market and reverting to better practices. And
> environmentally, the world needs ruminant animals. See Alan Savory, the
> Savory Institute or Holistic Manangement for more info on that.
>> Terran E. Longacre
> Sent from one of my iThingies
> On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 7:16 PM, David Zahrt via OE
> <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
>> Y'all,
>> I was surprised about how much dialogue there was about my raising the
>> question of practicing a vegan diet.
>> I went to a Porch Jam on May 1 (bring your instruments and improvise). The
>> gal who was sponsoring it brought snacks that looked vegan. I asked her
>> about it and she said that her family saw the movie COWSPIRACY. And after
>> they aw the movie they became Vegan!
>> Have you seen the movie? I'd like to find a place to check the DVD out and
>> begin showing it locally.
>> URL info---
>> Have you seen the movie COWSPIRACY?
>> You might not to like its message but its clear that we are being violent
>> to the animals we produce and using up our environment while producing them.
>> If you haven't seen info about it I'm enclosing several URLs
>> http://www.cowspiracy.com
>> http://www.cowspiracy.com/infographic/
>> Peace, David
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