[Dialogue] Do you have a REALLY old email program?

Wayne Nelson wnelson at ica-associates.ca
Tue May 14 07:01:00 PDT 2013

Steve is totally right about this.  

Since we (ICA Associates) made the shift to GoogleMail last November, I can count the number of spam messages that arrived in my in-box on one hand. Seriously.  Before that it was at least 4+ a week.

aol - hotmail and yahoo addresses get hacked regularly.  They do not have the security protocols to prevent scammers from hacking into the accounts.  


- - - - - - - - - - Wayne Nelson
wnelson at ica-associates.ca
O - 416-691-2316
M - 647-229-6910

On 05-142013, at 9:12 AM, steve har wrote:
> -a new mail program like Gmail that has really good spam protection
> and are very hard to crack.

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