[Dialogue] Resources for Education in Sustainable Living

Sunny Walker sunwalker at comcast.net
Tue Feb 26 21:29:04 PST 2013

There is a national environmental education group and we have a local one
here in Denver. Bug me in about a week and I'll have time to find and post
that information. Jim Slotta may also have it (he's out of town until next


From: dialogue-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net
[mailto:dialogue-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of R Williams
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:06 AM
To: Order Ecumenical Community; Colleague Dialogue
Subject: [Dialogue] Resources for Education in Sustainable Living




In our local community a local citizens cadre of which I am a part is
promoting grassroots initiatives in sustainable living.  Our major strategy
is citizen education, not initially in the "what" or "how" of sustainable
living, but in "why" it matters.  Our theory is that many local people don't
do simple things like recycle, conserve water, etc. because they do not
understand the environmental, social and economic benefits to themselves and
the communty at large of doing so.  Therefore we want to evoke changes of
hearts and minds which will lead eventually to sustainable life styles.
This is what we mean by education.


Not all of our educational ventures will be classroom-based, but some will.
My purpose in coming to you is to ask if you would share educational
resources that you may know of--curricula, books, articles, service-learning
approaches, web links, videos, etc.--anything that you would recommend for a
venture like this.


If you don't wish to put what you have to offer on the listserv, please
respond to me directly at rcwmbw at yahoo.com.


With appreciation,





"The sustainability revolution is nothing less than a rethinking and
remaking of our role in the natural world."

-David Orr

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