[Dialogue] The Grand Design

PSchrijnen at aol.com PSchrijnen at aol.com
Sun May 20 11:40:57 PDT 2012

I enjoyed the debate between Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams on some of  
these questions:
Maybe it adds another dimension...?
In a message dated 20/05/2012 19:18:12 GMT Daylight Time, LAURELCG at aol.com  

The Ground of Being that WAS before the big bang, and the Evolutionary  
Impulse (Becoming) that started the big bang, is what we've called  God. (This 
I've gleaned from Andrew Cohen.) I agree it is all intelligent, but  our 
tiny brains cannot begin to understand it. IT is the All, in the phrases,  "All 
that is, is good." and "I am One with All That Is." Science is about  
grappling to understand it. Good scientists are usually in awe of what they're  
discovering. What else would keep someone looking in a microscope all day  
every day for years, or whatever laborious process is required in their  
discipline? Scientists like Bryan Swimme and men of faith like Thomas Berry  
sometimes collaborate to come up with inspired works, like  The Universe Story. 
This is all just my humble  opinion, as is the belief that the church, the 
cutting edge today, is the  evolutionary spirituality movement. Jean Houston 
is a recognized leader of it  and almost invariably ends her internet 
sessions with "These are the  times, we are the people."
>From the great central valley of California, the center of the  Universe,
In a message dated 5/20/2012 10:57:34 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
icabombay at igc.org writes:

As to  the "Grand Design", it is the contention of some that the creative 
process,  that which underlies all, is inherently intelligent and that 
intelligence  can be  understood.

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