[Dialogue] And . . . This below, from the Onion, a satiric online news source, and, below, from Dan Roberts

James Wiegel jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 04:26:20 PST 2012

'Right To Live Life In Complete, Stunned Horror,' Added To Constitution
DECEMBER 15, 2012 | ISSUE 48•50
WASHINGTON—In the wake of yesterday’s gruesome mass shooting that claimed the lives of 27 people, including 20 schoolchildren, the United States ratified a new constitutional amendment this afternoon guaranteeing American citizens the right to live life in a perpetual state of abject horror. “The provisions of the 28th Amendment will fully protect the right of all individuals to spend every waking moment utterly terrified at the thought of a deranged stranger with a semiautomatic combat rifle gunning them down,” said House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), explaining that the measure also permits Americans to suffer panic attacks anytime their loved ones go to work, school, malls, or virtually any other public location. “In addition, the new amendment prevents the government from ever infringing on a citizen’s inalienable right to lie awake at night visualizing the images of crying children being ushered out of a school and wondering where it could happen next.” The new amendment comes on the heels of numerous other proposed changes to U.S. law, including a highly contested bill that would protect the right of Americans to ignore a widespread, deadly problem until it is far too late.

Dan Roberts
And now, the flipside...
After the massacre on Friday, so many of are seeking safety and security for ourselves and our families. Some of us see this as an opportunity to address the scourge of easily available firearms that too often get into the wrong hands. And then there are those of us who see fit to exercise our 2nd amendment rights to insure that - at least while they’re under our watch - no such harm will come to our children. Both approaches are well intentioned and have the potential to save lives - limiting access to deadly force by making it harder for anybody with cash in hand to buy a semi-automatic handgun from a stranger at a gunshow? Yeah. We should do that yesterday. And allowing citizens to possess firearms to protect the ones they love from future threats - If that is what a law-abiding citizen feels he or she needs to feel secure in their own home - do not interfere with their personal liberty and do not judge. 
You may feel that your deadbolt and your local police provide all the security your need - but not everyone lives in your neighborhood, and some of us have been burglarized or assaulted and do not want to live in constant fear and anxiety. 
Like it or not, guns provide a certain measure of solace - they save at least as many lives as they take - every single day - though you won’t see those statistics on the evening news. In the rush to find a solution that will help us all sleep better at night, it is critical that we preserve our fundamental right to protect ourselves and our families...so that we can sleep better at night.
Like ·  · Share · 3 hours ago near Austin, TX · 
2 people like this.

Michael Pizzuto I live in a nation of 7million people. In the almost 7years of living here, i can count on one hand the number of shooting deaths that have occurred. Sure there are murders, gangs, crime and poverty. But hardly ever do you hear of a shooting. Why?? Because guns are illegal and very hard to get as we dont have gun shows, pawn shops or supermarkets selling them.
3 hours ago via mobile · Like

Jim Wiegel
Jfwiegel at yahoo.com

Joan Chittister “Christmas is not for children. It is for those who refuse to give up and grow old, for those to whom life comes newly and with purpose each and every day, for those who can let yesterday go so that life can be full of new possibility always, for those who are agitated with newness whatever their age.”

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