<font color='black' size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>
<div>Available for anyone who wants them:</div>
<div>1) LCX Manual</div>
<div>2) Copies of ICA's "The Journal" [Small red books based on qualities of profound humanness; quotes from exemplar categories: The Poet, The General, The Wise One, The Anointed, The Saint]:</div>
<div>- November 1978-April 1979</div>
<div>-May 1979-October 1979</div>
<div>-November 1980-April 1981</div>
<div>-May 1980-October 1980</div>
<div>-May 1981-December 1981</div>
<div>January-December 1982</div>
<div>Ellie Stock</div>
<div>elliestock@aol.com </div>