[Oe List ...] Reflections on "our methods"

Don Bushman onedonbushman at gmail.com
Sun Sep 8 22:23:51 PDT 2024

Well James, I have to ask just what was the purpose of our consults? And
what was the purpose of the whole Human Development Project thrust?

I feel JWM had evolved to the point where he was concerned with one
thing-10 Iron Men (and Women of course).

As I read these postings and hear of what others have done, including you,
I wonder at the amazing things that came out of our doing the consults and
the HDPs. Mostly I am amazed at how many who participated brought benefits
all across our global village and got so many of the benefits of their
participation into the communities we live in today.

I remember the articulated story of demonstration at the grass roots level.
We demonstrated to the villagers we worked with and maybe more importantly
demonstrated to ourselves how innocent suffering could be addressed at the
grassroots level by All The People responding to the question of Who Am I
and What Do I;  living our lives as accepted; observing, judging, weighing
up, deciding and acting; as the sensitive responsive ones in every

Oh my-what wisdom we have to live our lives with.


On Sun, Sep 8, 2024 at 7:34 PM James Wiegel via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>

> Yes, thanks, Mari and Ann, I have wondered, over the years, why neither
> the anticipated benefits nor the actuating programmes carried on into our
> further work.
> As to the electoral campaign, the rhetorical strategies bewilder me.  For
> one, i seldom hear uninterrupted speeches from either side — just headlines
> and sound bites.  I scanned the republican platform and also the working
> draft before the convention of the democrats. I was put off by the
> apocalyptic tone in the republican one.
> Jim Wiegel
> “…the long work
> of turning their lives
> into a celebration
> is not easy. Come and let us talk“.
> The Sunflowers. Mary Oliver
> On Sep 6, 2024, at 11:13 AM, John Epps via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
> wrote:
> Ann Epps, here, speaking via John's old Forum account.  Thanks to all of
> you who created and developed the social demonstration and consult
> methodologies! You were and are geniuses to invent those processes. Being
> assigned to project documentation and fund raising in Asia for more than a
> few years, I found the "anticipated benefits" consult documentation section
> invaluable.
> With gratitude, Ann
> On Sun, Sep 1, 2024, 10:31 PM Mari Crocker via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
> wrote:
>> Hi Dear Colleagues,
>> When Jim and Judy Wiegel and Joe and I travelled with JWM to launch the
>> first 8 HDPs, I was charged with documenting the methodology we were
>> developing.  And oh, how it unfolded from our first Consult in Oombulgurri
>> to our last in Sudtongen.  As did the framing of the Consult Report
>> Document which we spent several weeks following Oombulgurri to structure
>> and frame.  JWM, along with Lis and Garnet were there with us in Canberra
>> when that design was hammered out.  It was’t easy.  For example, we had no
>> idea of how to transpose the tactics (actions on the local level) into
>> Programs that could become substantive, authentic, fundable entities for
>> our Development folks to sell.  We, as a team of 7 labored well into the
>> wee small hours, and finally took a break.  When we came back JWM came up
>> with an additional chapter to the Document called, “Anticipated Benefits.”
>> I was the then editor of the first document, and felt this was a silly
>> addition, redundant and unnecessary.  Oh, how over the years I realize how
>> short-sighted I was.  That final chapter (which JWM insisted we keep in)
>> described, poetically and imaginatively, what one might imagine the village
>> and its residents would be enjoying and manifesting in another two years..
>> It was a more vivid grounding of the villagers’ initial vision, because it
>> was informed by the Consult process of looking at the obstacles
>> (contradictions) and filtering good ideas (proposals) and their actionable
>> tactics through screens (necessary, sufficient, doable, relevant) into
>> practical steps we then called “implementaries.”
>> The reason for my sharing of this is that I hope that Kamala can spend
>> less time on “policy proposals”, which by nature are very abstract, and
>> more time painting the picture of “anticipated benefits” for our country —
>> a very detailed vignette of life in the future, based on our residents’
>> hopes and dreams.
>> Just my 2 cents.
>> Mari Crocker
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