[Oe List ...] Reflections on "our methods"

Elisabeth Banks elisabeth.a.banks at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 18:12:31 PDT 2024

Hi Marilyn,
That was a wonderful summary of the HDP methodology. It brought back great
memories of all the HDP s Garnet and I participated in with you and learnt
so much from all of you. This allowed us to do further HDPs in Southeast
Your cues To the wording of each section of the planning were very helpful
We also used those planning methods for a Medical College for their five
year plan along with Maureen Jenkins Who knew how to adapt The methodology.
to a very different situation and then wrote up those variations which we
gave to the College who then made me their director of program planning.
Out of all this came vocational registration three years later.(JWM was
 Had it not been for your initial hard work and insight on the use of the
methods that could never have happened.
Many thanks yet again for all  your Amazing clarity in outlining the
methodology. and also your ability to explain how to Lead a contradictions
seminar without falling apart.
Lis Banks
PS, there will be mistakes in my writing as I am dictating while I’m having
plasma exchange and both arms are Being used in the procedure

On Mon, 2 Sep 2024 at 11:24 PM, Sarah Buss via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>

> Beautifully summarized, Marilyn. Thank you. Sarah
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Sep 1, 2024, at 11:31 PM, Mari Crocker via OE <
> oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote: Yeah
> >
> > Hi Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > When Jim and Judy Wiegel and Joe and I travelled with JWM to launch the
> first 8 HDPs, I was charged with documenting the methodology we were
> developing.  And oh, how it unfolded from our first Consult in Oombulgurri
> to our last in Sudtongen.  As did the framing of the Consult Report
> Document which we spent several weeks following Oombulgurri to structure
> and frame.  JWM, along with Lis and Garnet were there with us in Canberra
> when that design was hammered out.  It was’t easy.  For example, we had no
> idea of how to transpose the tactics (actions on the local level) into
> Programs that could become substantive, authentic, fundable entities for
> our Development folks to sell.  We, as a team of 7 labored well into the
> wee small hours, and finally took a break.  When we came back JWM came up
> with an additional chapter to the Document called, “Anticipated Benefits.”
> I was the then editor of the first document, and felt this was a silly
> addition, redundant and unnecessary.  Oh, how over the years I realize how
> short-sighted I was.  That final chapter (which JWM insisted we keep in)
> described, poetically and imaginatively, what one might imagine the village
> and its residents would be enjoying and manifesting in another two years..
> It was a more vivid grounding of the villagers’ initial vision, because it
> was informed by the Consult process of looking at the obstacles
> (contradictions) and filtering good ideas (proposals) and their actionable
> tactics through screens (necessary, sufficient, doable, relevant) into
> practical steps we then called “implementaries.”
> >
> > The reason for my sharing of this is that I hope that Kamala can spend
> less time on “policy proposals”, which by nature are very abstract, and
> more time painting the picture of “anticipated benefits” for our country —
> a very detailed vignette of life in the future, based on our residents’
> hopes and dreams.
> >
> > Just my 2 cents.
> >
> >
> >
> > Mari Crocker
> >
> >
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