[Oe List ...] Michael Tippett

Isobel and Jim isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au
Sun Sep 1 00:10:17 PDT 2024

Thank you Lynda for expressing so fondly and descriptively of Michael’s life and service to all those he encountered and engaged with. 
He spoke with affection about his time in the Adelaide Religious House with his quite young family at that time. 
Thank you Michael.
Lovely enriching stories🌻👋👋🌠💕 
Isobel Bishop 

Isobel Bishop
Mob.  0412 129 425

> On 1 Sep 2024, at 11:18 AM, Lynda C via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
> We celebrate the completed life of service and care that Michael exemplified so powerfully.  Although we were never directly assigned with the Tippetts we knew them through summer programs and councils and enjoyed a visit with them when they were traveling near Galax one summer, with Meg and her delightful helper who allowed Judith and Michael to visit with friends along the way. 
> A special memory I have is of working with Michael in the Archives several years ago and hearing stories about the amazing feats of the Cleveland Metro , whose disciplined family lifestyles enabled RS-I proliferation immensely in those early years before Religious Houses.   Families drove miles to get to their early morning cadre meetings before heading to their jobs and the children to school.  I urged him to write up some of those stories for the Archives section on Religious Houses and Cadres. 
> I wish I could remember the details of those cadre stories  and the connection I heard from someone else about how Michael was the reason she had joined the order (can’t recall who it was.)   She encountered him during an HDP setup or Town Meeting setup in NC.  Hope others will help fill those stories out. 
> Michael’s devotion and care for Meg for 38 years after her tragic accident serves as a role model for me and others dealing with caregiving.     With Brook and Kit and their families, we celebrate the lives of Judith and Meg., and now Michael.    What a family demonstration of care and service.
> For all the saints who from their labors rest.  Alleluia.   Well done, thy good and faithful servant.
> Lynda and John Cock
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