[Oe List ...] Our Future --- as it so happens . . .

Dharmalingam Vinasithamby dvinasithamby at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 21 21:12:46 PDT 2024

 Hi Jim,Related to your question about what innovations, shifts or changes would be needed, I (probably like many of you) am aware of the growing gap in world view between the “West” and the “Global South” in recent years. I see this particularly in Western perceptions of and attitudes to specific nations – Russia, Israel, Ukraine and China, among them. My (?jaundiced) explanation is that those who run the media are eager to keep the “West” in a bubble that shapes how they see the world. For some reason, they are either unable or uninterested in doing this for those outside the West. Identifying these gaps and trying to figure out what causes them would help us get a grip on this gap that will surely affect how we as the world envision the future.
    On Monday, 22 July 2024 at 09:25:59 am GMT+8, James Wiegel via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:  
 Some of you may remember Herman Greene.  I am involved in a "study group" with him and several dozen others looking into what kind of governance we need moving forward in this century with all that it holds.
Just wondering what thoughts any of you might have about what improvements, innovations, shifts or changes in governance, politics, morals, leadership that might produce better outcomes for all of us?
Thanks in advance.  
Jim Wiegel

“We are all time travelers journeying into the future. But let us make that future a place we want to visit. “       Stephen Hawking

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