[Oe List ...] Our Future

Dharmalingam Vinasithamby dvinasithamby at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 21 06:35:01 PDT 2024

A president who has made the US complicit in the genocide ofPalestinians – 38,000 and more killed in the last few months. A president whoinvaded a sovereign nation to eliminate weapons of mass destruction but turnedit into a festering sore of terrorism. And many other presidents who led the USin some of the greatest crimes that a nation can commit. Compare Trump to thosemen. Then imagine  what the US will continueto do if the July 13th bullet had found its mark and saved the dayfor Biden. 

    On Sunday, 21 July 2024 at 07:41:33 pm GMT+8, A.M. Noel via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:  
 George Conway DESTROYS Trump In Most DEVASTATING Ad Yet! (youtube.com)
A.M. Noel_______________________________________________
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