[Oe List ...] Fwd: Pastoral Notice. Jim Bishop's Funeral service.
Isobel and Jim Bishop
isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au
Mon Jan 22 01:16:09 PST 2024
Dear Beret and Karen,
Here is the link for the Service for Jim on Thursday January 25th.
I am assuming that you will be able to tap in to this at your own time zone. It’s Australian Daylight Saving Time.
Please let me know if there are hitches.
Thank you for all the notes of love and support and memories of Jim I have received from you.
With my love,
Isobel Bishop
isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Rev Dr Josephine Inkpin <office at pittstreetuniting.org.au>
> Subject: Pastoral Notice
> Date: 22 January 2024 at 5:07:30 pm AEDT
> To: Isobel & Jim <isobeljimbish at optusnet.com.au>
> Reply-To: Rev Dr Josephine Inkpin <office at pittstreetuniting.org.au>
> ZOOM LINK - Jim Bishop's Funeral
> Dear family and friends of Jim,
> We are looking forward to being with you on Thursday this week, 25 January, to celebrate Jim's life.
> Pitt Street Uniting Church, 264 Pitt Street, 11.30am, with a viewing of the open casket from 11am. The church will be open earlier for quiet reflection. Dress: comfortable and with the colour you feel is appropriate to celebrate and say goodbye.
> For those who would like to join online, the zoom livestream will start at 11am, on the following link:
> Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86474608056?pwd=UGgzdlJjTER1dGI4VUJpRHVjdWZKUT09 <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=696fe6633f&e=bb4ef7e8da>
> Meeting ID: 864 7460 8056
> Passcode: 684790
> One tap mobile
> +61871501149,,86474608056#,,,,*684790# Australia
> +61280156011,,86474608056#,,,,*684790# Australia
> Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/ksLs1SMab <https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fus02web.zoom.us%2Fu%2FksLs1SMab&sa=D&source=calendar&usd=2&usg=AOvVaw2bFy7-NfeVJRvoak-c06sV>
> Attached are:
> * the Order of Service <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=bad3cad853&e=bb4ef7e8da>
> * Information on a project you may like to support, in memory of Jim <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=92066c1a49&e=bb4ef7e8da>.
> Over the coming days, you may like to listen to some Welsh folk music. We feel it shows where some of Jim’s special traits come from: determination, playful humour, love of music, love of family and community.
> In the service, there will be a time of reflection with The Ash Grove, a Welsh song that is aching, hopeful and loving. Jim’s sister Sheila Walkerden says: “Our Mum knew this song, and sang it to us, everyone knew it in those old days”.
> Thank you for your love and support at this time, and Vale to our dear James Tregarthen Bishop.
> Isobel and family.
> <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=b0b8417120&e=bb4ef7e8da>
> <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=2943f2dc7c&e=bb4ef7e8da>
> <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=a06330360c&e=bb4ef7e8da>
> Our mailing address is:
> office at pittstreetuniting.org.au <mailto:>
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> You can update your preferences <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/profile?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=54e9bca56d&e=bb4ef7e8da&c=f7e7f860c2> or unsubscribe from this list <https://pittstreetuniting.us16.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=2070f1363be28a2202720dced&id=54e9bca56d&e=bb4ef7e8da&c=f7e7f860c2>.
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