[Oe List ...] A Little Help from my Friends (Pardon my Boldness)

Milan Hamilton mellowmilan2 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 1 13:46:54 PST 2024

Hi everyone! Please pardon my boldness in this message. I haven't been a
regular productive contributor to conversations over the years. And I
haven't made a request like this since our FOOD FOR ALL days of raising
funds for anti-hunger projects. But I have started this GoFundMe campaign
this holiday season and would like to ask for just a little help from my
friends. Linda has been working tirelessly as a volunteer on a response to
the climate crisis in our city and region. We were fortunate to have found
Accelerate Neighborhood Climate Action (ANCA) in Denver and got a serious
boost working with them to get it going in our city. ANCA Redlands is now
its own 501(c)(3) and less than three years old. Through support and
collaborative efforts with our city, University, churches and all the local
environmental groups, it has grown and has several exciting programs, from
education to local action projects. Since I am approaching my 88th birthday
next month and do not have the same activist energy I once had, I came up
with this idea on my own to try to help ANCA Redlands at a critical point
in its growing pains.This is all me and not Linda's idea. I am not assuming
I have 1000 friends who could give $10 each, but I'm making this once in a
lifetime appeal here and through social media to help toward our need for
$10,000 for the next phase of growth. Thanks to those of you who read all
the way to the end of this message and thanks for what I know you do for
human and planetary futures. MM


Mellow Milan Hamilton
80 North Center Street
Redlands, CA 92373
Phone: (909) 943-1667
email: mellowmilan2 at gmail.com
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