[Oe List ...] Donald Trump

Randy Williams randycw1938 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 13:00:48 PDT 2024

Donald Trump is many things, including a politician. But my issue with him is moral, not political. I don’t consider him to be a conservative, Republican, rightest, Democrat, liberal, progressive, or any other political label. At one time or another he has presented himself as almost all of those and more. He is a self-serving opportunist. But more than that, he is, in my opinion, the most immoral character to ever walk across the stage  of American history. I first came to that conclusion when I saw him mimic and mock a reporter with physical disabilities at a political rally on national TV in 2016. He has confirmed many times since then that that’s who he is. For me, to compare him to anyone — Democrat, Republican, Independent or whatever — is a false equivalency. And now that he’s a convicted criminal, he doesn’t belong on any ballot for any office in any jurisdiction. The fact that he can run for President of the United States is, I believe, due to an oversight in the U.S. Constitution. I suspect the Founders simply could never imagine anyone like him ever coming on the scene. He is a pariah who despoils everything he touches, and he deserves to be treated as such. In my 85 years I’ve never seen anyone else in public life who comes even close to being what he is.
Randy Williams

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