[Oe List ...] Joyous Participation: A journey toward wholeness

Karen Snyder karen.snyder10 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 5 13:03:52 PST 2023

Connie Reemtsma has just published another book called Joyous Participation: A journey toward wholeness. You may recognize the name of her editor, John Burbidge, and the person doing cover design and layout, Robert Lanphear.

You can find the book at Amazon (https://www.amazon.com/Joyous-Participation-Journey-Toward-Wholeness/dp/B0B7HKDZ9L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=LYIQ9V1RFQI4&keywords=joyous+participation&qid=1678042166&sprefix=joyous+participation%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1).  The site describes the book as follows:

Joyous Participation: A Journey Toward Wholeness explores that part of life most of us try to avoid—our final years. Sharing insights from the lives of five people—her own included—as well as Jungian psychology, contemplative theology, and more, 91-year-old Connie Reemtsma challenges us to see aging not as a decline to be mourned but as a time of fulfillment and an opportunity for growth. In so doing, she beckons us to shed our ego-driven selves and discover our true core.

As we create our last decades "as a time of fulfillment and an opportunity for growth”, we will resonate with her words.  


Karen Snyder Troxel
on behalf of the Global Archives Team

PS. The Publications tab of the Global Archives has a list of some 200+ books colleagues have written through the years. The list includes two of Connie's books, Rob Work’s online books, and many online papers and memoirs colleagues have shared as well. 

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