Ellie Stock
elliestock at aol.com
Wed Jan 12 08:33:43 PST 2022
Hi Folks,
Regarding the 1/20/2022 viewing/conversation of Duane Elgin's documentary, FACING ADVERSITY, CHOOSING EARTH, CHOOSING LIFE, if you are unable to participate you can go to the CHOOSING EARTH website (see below) where there is a link to both the trailer and the full 70-minute documentary FACING ADVERSITY, CHOOSING EARTH, CHOOSING LIFE.
I hope 2022 is a good year for you and all of us as we seek ways to choose Earth for the sake of present and future generations.
Ellie :)elliestock at aol.com
Home - Choosing Earth
choosingearth.orgChoosing Earth is choosing the well-being of all life. This is a time of great uncertainty as we recognize we face a global mega-crisis. Helping to catalyze personal and social awakening to the critical challenges to humanity’s future. Fostering a relational consciousness grounded in our connection with Earth and a living Universe.
- EventsThe Earth is in crisis on all levels from destruction of the...
- The TeamCo-Director. Coleen develops and leads educational programs...
- Choosing EarthFill Out the form below to receive more information about...
- DocumentaryAbout the film. Facing Adversity: Choosing Earth, Choosing...
- BookDuane has revised Choosing Earth and a new edition will be...
- AboutThe goal of the Choosing Earth Project is to foster...
- ResourcesA new story and new consciousness:. Findhorn New Story Hub:...
- DonateWe are currently fundraising for our July 1, 2021 – June 30,...
- Tools for GroupsA major goal of the Choosing Earth Project is to provide...
From: OE <oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net> on behalf of Ellie Stock via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2022 1:43 PM
To: dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net <dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net>; oe at lists.wedgeblade.net <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Cc: Ellie Stock <elliestock at aol.com>
Subject: [Oe List ...] Environmental Film: FACING ADVERSITY, CHOOSING EARTH, CHOOSING LIFE Dear Friends,
The first film in 2022 winter/spring environmental film series hosted by the Ferguson Eco Team, (Ferguson/St. Louis, MO), will beFACING ADVERSITY, CHOOSING EARTH, CHOOSING LIFE and shownThursday, January 20, 7:00 PM Central Time, followed by a reflection conversation. Due to COVID, the viewing will be viaZOOM. To register for the ZOOM linK: https://bit.ly/FETJan2022 . A ZOOM link will then be sent to you to access the event.
Facing Adversity: Choosing Earth, Choosing Life is a 70-minute documentary that explores the speed, depth and magnitude of our growing planetary crisis, and the opportunity we have to meet this crisis consciously – with eyes and hearts wide open. Through a broad, whole-systems perspective, the film examines key challenges (climate change, inequities, species extinction, overconsumption, and more) and explores the deeper transformation being called forth from humanity. Woven throughout are stories from around the world illustrating both heart-breaking impacts and inspiring resilience. Engaging with this paradox — an unfolding global crisis paired with the opportunity to awaken to and serve the well-being of all of life — is the work of our lifetimes. The film features Duane Elgin, Victoria Santos, Jack Kornfield, Joanna Macy, Nate Hagens, Beena Sharma, Lynne Twist, and other contributors who are grappling with this paradox and offering guidance for navigating the times ahead.
FACING ADVERSITY is based on the important 2020 bookCHOOSING EARTH, Humanity's Great Transition to a Mature Planetary Civilization, by Duane Elgin, also author of the popular 1981 book, VOLUNTARY SIMPLICITY.
To register for the ZOOM linK: https://bit.ly/FETJan2022 . A ZOOM link will then be sent to you to access the event.
If you would like a flyer for the event, we can mail it to you personally as an attachment.
For more information, please contact:
Carleton Stockcarletonstock at aol.com
Ellie Stockelliestock at aol.com
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