[Oe List ...] FYI: Join Matthew Fox Jan 6 Day of Epiphany - Day of Infamy; And Jan 11 Howard Thurman, MLK, Jr and the Return of the Sacred Masculine.
Ellie Stock
elliestock at aol.com
Tue Jan 4 15:58:47 PST 2022
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022, 04:27:32 PM CSTSubject: Join Matthew Fox Jan 6 Day of Epiphany - Day of Infamy; And Jan 11 Howard Thurman, MLK, Jr and the Return of the Sacred Masculine.
Join Matthew Fox for Creation in Crisis: January 6: Day of Epiphany, Day of Infamy January 6: Day of Epiphany, Day of Infamy, with Matthew Fox Janua
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Join Matthew Fox for Creation in Crisis: January 6: Day of Epiphany, Day of Infamy
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January 6: Day of Epiphany, Day of Infamy, with Matthew Fox
January 6, 2022 1:00pm-2:30pm PT
Is it mere coincidence that the violent insurrection to take down democracy in America, an effort still playing out in legislatures around the country and among politicians whose lives were actually in danger during the political violence took place on Epiphany Day? The 12th day of Christmas is when the Christ child is visited by "pagan" seekers or astrologers following a star.
What deeper meaning is being offered us on this, the first anniversary of this particular "day of infamy" from within America? Is it about waking up to our capacity for evil? For denial? For power-over dynamics that make Patriarchy flourish and Lies dominate Truth? Where do we go from here? Where is Christmas in all this? Where is light in the midst of such darkness?
This event is free. Register HERE
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Join Matthew Fox January 11 - Howard Thurman, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Return of the Sacred Masculine
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January 11 - Howard Thurman, Martin Luther King, Jr. and The Return of the Sacred Masculine
January 11, 2022 4:00-6:00pm PT
In this time of rising authoritarianism and rising despoiling of Mother Earth and ever present patriarchy and misogyny and abuse of women, it is long overdue that we offer ever healthier versions of what manhood is than what our culture feeds us on a daily basis. In this season of honoring the life and teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. it seems fitting to ask: Among other gifts that King has given us, is a fuller meaning of the Sacred Masculine among them? And his spiritual mentor, Dr. Howard Thurman, does he also offer medicine for an unbalanced and out of sync patriarchy?
Incorporating Dr. Fox’s study on The Hidden Spirituality of Men: Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine, we will explore how both King and Thurman offer a new and deeper paradigm for the masculine. This is a topic as important for women as it is for men not only because women too carry the masculine in their souls but also because women raise sons and grandsons, interact with brothers, fathers, uncles, male co-workers and partners. While the divine feminine has made strides these past decades, the sacred masculine is often lagging behind. We will call on these two prophets to show us the way.
This event is only $20. Support us and join us. Register HERE
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Matthew's website, calendar and bookstore: https://www.matthewfox.org/
January 6, 2022 (Thu) Virtual Event
Creation in Crisis - Creation Spirituality Communities
1:00pm-2:30pm PT - Lecture, Q&A -January 6: Day of Epiphany, Day of Infamy
Register HERE
January 11, 2022 (Tue) Virtual Event
Rowe Retreat Center
4:00pm-6:00pm PT – Lecture, Q&A – Howard Thurman, Martin Luther King, Jr. And The Return of The Sacred Masculine
February 9, 2022 (Wed) Virtual Event
Convergence - hosted by Cameron Trimble
4:00pm PT - Dialogue, Q&A - A conversation with Barbara Holmes and Matthew Fox
February 23, 2022 (Wed) Virtual Event
Convergence - Hosted by Cameron Trimble
4:00pm PT - Sheer Joy - A Conversation with Cameron Trimble and Matthew Fox
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