[Oe List ...] FW: John Gibson's service info

Lynda C lynda860 at outlook.com
Wed Jun 3 07:32:19 PDT 2020

Via Jana Salmon Lamb via Lynda Cock:  (The Gibsons were part of the LCX in Iowa when the Salmon family was there.)

Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues of John Gibson,

On behalf of the Gibson Family, we recognize and thank you all for your gifts of friendship, compassion, support and love you gave our father, John, over the years.  He was truly blessed to know so many wonderful individuals!

Under normal circumstances, we would welcome you all to join us in person for John's memorial service. We had hoped that, by this time, it would be possible for us all to gather together and celebrate in person.  Unfortunately, we must limit the size of our gathering.  Instead, we invite you to join us in spirit and observe the memorial service from the safety of your own space.

The service will be streamed live on YouTube on June 6th, starting at 2:00 pm.  You can access the service at: https://youtu.be/DZdUKcxS4q8

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to a meaningful memorial service.


Paul, Steve and Ruth

Ruth’s contact info is in the Directory as Ruth (Gibson) Clark.

Ruth, Steve and Paul,
We are grateful for this opportunity to “gather” virtually to be with you in spirit for this celebration and remembrance.
We stand with your family in care and celebration of a life so fully lived and given, serving the local church, to the building of community, and in forging early steps in building models of for care of the Earth though statewide and then regional gatherings.  Rest in Peace, John, your pioneering work continues.     Lynda Cock

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