[Oe List ...] Sally Fenton

Frank Knutson frankknutson2 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 18 23:15:22 PDT 2020

Sally Fenton died Friday, July 17 in Chicago surrounded by family. Sally was a member of the Friendship UMC cadre in Cincinnati before she and Jim joined the Order in 1971. In later years she became a founding member of the Archives Project and anchored the project with Marg Philbrook and Jean Long as part of the Chicago troika. You can contact daughters Katherine Scharko at: kscharko at aol.com or Jamie Fenton at: JAMIE at FENTONIA.COM.

Frank Knutson
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...We join with Earth and each other
     to celebrate the seas,
     to rejoice in the sunlight,
     to sing the song of the stars.
    We join with Earth and each other
     to recreate the human community,
     to promote justice and peace,
     to remember our children of the Earth.
     We join together as many unique,
     diverse and connected expressions
     of one loving Mystery: for the healing 
     of the Earth and the renewal of all life. *

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