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A.M. Noel anthonymarianoel at gmail.com
Tue Aug 25 01:32:06 PDT 2020

We’re proud to announce that American Airlines will be the first airline to
start treating our planes with SurfaceWise®2, an EPA-approved antiviral
solution, in the coming months. This breakthrough coating provides enhanced
protection by the sustained killing of 99.9% of viruses, including
coronaviruses, on surfaces.

*How it works*: When sprayed on surfaces, SurfaceWise®2 forms an invisible,
long-lasting barrier that physically breaks down and kills virus cells. A
similar type of solution is already being used in hospitals due to its
proven effectiveness to reduce the spread of infection. The highly durable
coating remains effective even on high-touch surfaces like seats, tray
tables and armrests, and through frequent cleanings, which we do after
every flight.

*All-around clean*: Our Clean Commitment is our promise that we’re taking
bold measures to help ensure your well-being when you travel with us. With
the addition of industry-leading products like SurfaceWise®2, you can
travel with peace of mind.
A.M. Noel
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