[Oe List ...] A Reflection: Havdalah of Hope
Ellie Stock
elliestock at aol.com
Thu Nov 8 08:15:46 PST 2018
Thousand Oaks...The Great Tree of Life weeps and mourns...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jann McGuire via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
To: Order Ecumenical Community <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Cc: Jann McGuire <jannmcguire at gmail.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 8, 2018 10:06 am
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] A Reflection: Havdalah of Hope
Thank you. Sorrowfully, add Thousand Oaks.
On Mon, Nov 5, 2018 at 10:00 PM Mary Kurian D'Souza via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
Thank you dear Ellie
On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 2:08 AM Ellie Stock via OE <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> wrote:
Hi Folks,
Below and attached (whichever works) is a reflection: Havdalah of Hope, written after participating in the Havdalah of Hope Service at the B'nai Amoona Congregation Saturday evening to remember those killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue.
Ellieelliestock at aol.com
HAVDALAH OF HOPE Oneflaming candle,multiplewicks burning as one,lightfrom many candles woven togethershinesboldly beyond a single capacity… Thisnight, biddingfarewell to Shabbatandwelcoming the new week,Havdalahcandle’s brillianceisnow surrounded by a circle of eleven candles,lightresurrected from life snuffed out atthe Tree of Life Synagogue,(asign in front reading, Love yourneighbor, no exceptions)brothersand sisters, kindred souls, part of Creation’s family surgingbefore, behind, above, below, around, withinandconnecting us all in thegreat animal, vegetable, and mineral TREE OF LIFE. Thisnight the yarmulked, prayer-shawed, clergy-collared,kufi-hatted, seculared,(witnessedby the uniformed and plain-clothed guardians)men,women, and children, wearinggold(not sewn Star of David) No Place for Hate paper lapelstickers,circlethe encircled candle,abeautiful solemn assembly,armsweaving through each other,swaying,gently, rhythmically as one, tearsswelling, flowing,butnot quenching the light,listeningas thelilting angelic voice of the cantorswirlslike creation, through and around them,Eliyahu Hanavi…Elijah the prophet…Bimhera B’yameinu yavo eleinu…Come speedily and in our day…Andsoon the voices of all become onewith the one, one with the One,praying,praising, imploring, blessing,trustingthatdovka—“in spite of” they’ll neverstopdancing, trying to make theworld the way it needs to be. And,in Spirit, this circle is surroundedand also lighted by candlesof Charleston, Parkland,SandyHook, Columbine,Laramie,Orlando, Ferguson,Charlottesville, TallahasseeSelma,Birmingham, WoundedKnee, Sarajevo,Kristallnacht,Auschwitzand Buchenwald…aneternal circle, too many to name,butthis day must not forget,theirblood spilled, victims oftheviolence of hatred, prejudice,systemicracism,culturaland religious bigotry. Butthis day these diverse souls,neighborsin humanity and creation, willnot forgetL’Simcha, Tree of Lifebutdovka, will move on in hope—Hopebeyond hopes,andweaving arms once more forthefinal song and prayer,ofhealing and peace, bideach otherShavuah Tov, A Good Week!—knowingtheir combined brightnessisstronger than the darkness of hate—and,as, in all Jewish communities,theyenjoy food and drink togetherandthen departintoa cloudy night, starsand firey fall leaves hidden,buthealing hearts rekindled by loveand shalom. ejhs11/05/18
When EvilDarkens Our WorldBy Chaim Stern Whenevil darkens our world, let us be the bearers of light.Whenfists are clenched in self-righteous rage, let our hands be open for the sakeof peace.Wheninjustice slam the door on the ill, the poor, the old, and the stranger, let uspry the doors open. Whereshelter is lacking, let us be builders.Wherefood and clothing are needed, let us be providers.Whereknowledge is denied, let us be champions of learning. Whendissent is stifled, let our voices speak truth to power.WhenEarth and its creatures are threatened, let us be their guardians.Whenbias, greed, and bigotry erode our country’s values, let us proclaim libertythroughout the Land. Inthe places where no one acts like a human being,letus bring courage;letus bring compassion;letus bring humanity. Olam ChesedYibanehBy Rabbi Menachem Creditor I will build this world from love…You must build this world from love…If we build this world from love…Then God will build this world from love…
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