[Oe List ...] A Reflection: Havdalah of Hope

mary hampton mhampton at att.net
Mon Nov 5 17:52:02 PST 2018

Thank you, Ellie!  They do my heart good.

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From: Ellie Stock via OE
Sent: Monday, November 5, 2018 2:38 PM
To: dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net; oe at wedgeblade.net
Cc: Ellie Stock
Subject: [Oe List ...] A Reflection: Havdalah of Hope

Hi Folks,

Below and attached (whichever works) is a reflection:  Havdalah of Hope, written after participating in the Havdalah of Hope Service at the B'nai Amoona Congregation Saturday evening to remember those killed at the Tree of Life Synagogue.

elliestock at aol.com 

One flaming candle,
multiple wicks burning as one,
light from many candles woven together
shines boldly beyond a single capacity… 
This night, 
bidding farewell to Shabbat
and welcoming the new week,
Havdalah candle’s brilliance
is now surrounded by a circle of eleven candles,
light resurrected from life snuffed out 
at the Tree of Life Synagogue,
(a sign in front reading, Love your neighbor, no exceptions)
brothers and sisters, kindred souls, part of Creation’s family  
surging before, behind, above, below, around, within
and connecting us all in 
the great animal, vegetable, and mineral TREE OF LIFE.
This night the yarmulked, prayer-shawed, 
clergy-collared, kufi-hatted, seculared,
(witnessed by the uniformed and plain-clothed guardians)
men, women, and children, wearing
gold (not sewn Star of David) 
No Place for Hate paper lapel stickers,
circle the encircled candle,
a beautiful solemn assembly,
arms weaving through each other,
swaying, gently, rhythmically as one, 
tears swelling, flowing,
but not quenching the light,
listening as  
the lilting angelic voice of  the cantor
swirls like creation, through and around them,
Eliyahu Hanavi…Elijah the prophet…
Bimhera B’yameinu yavo eleinu…
Come speedily and in our day…
And soon the voices of all become 
one with the one, one with the One,
praying, praising, imploring, blessing,
trusting that
dovka—“in spite of” they’ll never
stop dancing, trying to make 
the world the way it needs to be.
And, in Spirit, this circle is 
surrounded and also lighted by 
candles of Charleston, Parkland,
Sandy Hook, Columbine,
Laramie, Orlando, 
Ferguson, Charlottesville, Tallahassee
Selma, Birmingham, 
Wounded Knee, Sarajevo,
Auschwitz and Buchenwald…
an eternal circle, too many to name,
but this day must not forget,
their blood spilled, victims of
the violence of hatred, prejudice,
systemic racism,
cultural and religious bigotry. 
But this day these diverse souls,
neighbors in humanity and creation, 
will not forget
L’Simcha, Tree of Life but
dovka, will move on in hope—
Hope beyond hopes,
and weaving arms once more for
the final song and prayer,
of healing and peace, 
bid each other
Shavuah Tov, A Good Week!—
knowing their combined brightness
is stronger than the darkness of hate—
and, as, in all Jewish communities,
they enjoy food and drink together
and then depart
into a cloudy night, 
stars and firey fall leaves hidden,
but healing hearts rekindled by 
love and shalom.

When Evil Darkens Our World
By Chaim Stern
When evil darkens our world, let us be the bearers of light.
When fists are clenched in self-righteous rage, let our hands be open for the sake of peace.
When injustice slam the door on the ill, the poor, the old, and the stranger, let us pry the doors
Where shelter is lacking, let us be builders.
Where food and clothing are needed, let us be providers.
Where knowledge is denied, let us be champions of learning.
When dissent is stifled, let our voices speak truth to power.
When Earth and its creatures are threatened, let us be their guardians.
When bias, greed, and bigotry erode our country’s values, let us proclaim liberty throughout the             
In the places where no one acts like a human being,
let us bring courage;
let us bring compassion;
let us bring humanity.
Olam Chesed Yibaneh
By Rabbi Menachem Creditor
I will build this world from love…
You must build this world from love…
If we build this world from love…
Then God will build this world from love…

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