[Oe List ...] Bonhoeffer Article shared by Edith Byers

Bill Schlesinger w.schlesinger at pvida.net
Tue Jan 30 14:53:16 PST 2018

Carol and I attended Earlham College – a school sponsored by the Society of Friends (Quakers).  Some of our professors told of the WWI and post-war activities of the Quakers in feeding German children – who grew up to become part of the Wehrmacht.  They were assisted in smuggling Jews out of Germany by these same folk who trusted them from the past.  A similar pattern happened with the non-violent resistance of the community of Le Chambon (Lest Innocent Blood be Shed),  where warning phone calls came before raids.


Compassion links us to strange folk.  No magic answers or escapes, but a trust in the underlying nature of reality…


From: OE [mailto:oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of Joan via OE
Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2018 6:10 PM
To: oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Cc: Joan
Subject: [Oe List ...] Bonhoeffer Article shared by Edith Byers



This article, "Is this a Bonhoeffer Moment?" from Sojourners magazine would probably be of interest.  Thank you.








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