[Oe List ...] Sharing news about Heidi Holmes

Jeanette Stanfield jstanfield at ica-associates.ca
Wed Jan 3 18:16:00 PST 2018

Dear Colleagues,

Heidi and her family have asked me to share this with you.

Some of you may have heard that in mid-October Heidi Holmes was diagnosed
with stage 4 breast cancer with significant brain involvement. She and the
family thought she had picked up a very bad flu or had picked up Lyme’s
disease. She was sleeping a lot and lost many cognitive skills. An MRI
revealed the real reason for the symptoms.

She had a series of 5 whole-brain radiation treatments and has, until
recently, been taking an estrogen blocker drug. The side effects of that
drug were such that she has opted to discontinue it and have a better
quality of life. Since the treatments Heidi’s cognitive skills have
improved. She gets around and engages in small group conversations.

Her daughter Rachel has moved in with her and along with many friends is
providing care and companionship.

The best way to communicate with Heidi is through Rachel whose email is
sherluck at hotmail.com

Grace and peace,

Jeanette Stanfield
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