[Oe List ...] Doris Conway's death

Del Morrill delhmor at wamail.net
Thu Aug 30 15:14:39 PDT 2018

Many thanks Elsa; I will be happy to send it on to my own list.


From: Elsa Batica <elsa.batica at gmail.com> 
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 1:47 PM
To: Del Morrill <delhmor at wamail.net>
Subject: Re: Doris Conway's death


Hi Del,

This is what we got:


I received an email from Jessica Rettig (Doris' daughter) this morning saying Doris died on Thursday night.  They are not planning a funeral but will have a memorial some time in the future.  If you would like to contact Jessica, you can either reach her through Facebook (Doris' account) or at:


Jessica Rettig

111 W. College Street

Granville, Ohio  43023


You know many of her ICA family, and maybe Jessica does too, but just in case she doesn't have any of their contact info, would you  pass this information along to them?  


Thanks, Mirja.  I hope life continues to be a beautiful journey for you.


Elsa Batica

Facilitation Consultation Training Community Outreach

Building bridges to create inclusive strategic solutions





On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 2:49 PM Del Morrill <delhmor at wamail.net <mailto:delhmor at wamail.net> > wrote:

Does anyone know who of Doris (Rettig) Conway’s family is receiving cards? Need address; don’t know which of the children reamained closest to her. 


Change of any sort requires courage. 


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