[Oe List ...] Fwd: Global Archives Fall Sojourn Oct 21-27, 2018 Invitation

Jean Long jean.long512 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 1 08:42:17 PDT 2018

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wendell Refior <wendellrefior at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 10:09 AM
Subject: Global Archives Fall Sojourn Oct 21-27, 2018 Invitation
To: James Addington <InaRja at comcast.net>, Margaret Aiseayew <
aiseayew at netins.net>, Rosemary Albright <ralbright.6400 at gmail.com>, Dick
Alton <richard.alton at gmail.com>, Bud Ames <jbames10 at aol.com>, James Armour <
jarmour at cinci.rr.com>, Ann Avery <annharrisonavery at btinternet.com>, Desmond
Avery <desmond.avery at btinternet.com>, Marianna Bailey <wmbailey at charter.net>,
Jack & Louise Ballard <ballardica at gmail.com>, Kevin Balm <
kbalm at topfacilitators.com>, "Vera (Ariel) Barber" <
barberarielwaggoner at gmail.com>, Zoe Barley <zbarley at earthlink.net>, Addi
Batica <abatica at hotmail.com>, Elsa Batica <elsa.batica at gmail.com>, Alice
Baumbach <abaumbach at new.rr.com>, Jim Baumbach <wtw0bl at new.rr.com>, Don
Bayer <donbayer at hotmail.com>, Elsa Bengel <elsabengel at gmail.com>, John
Bengel <johnwbengel at gmail.com>, Pam Bergdall <pbergdall at yahoo.com>, Terry
Bergdall <bergdall at gmail.com>, Abid Bhatti <abid.bhatti at icab.be>, Bill
Bigelow <williamlbigelow at hotmail.com>, Joyce Bonafield-Pierce <
jcbonafield at yahoo.com>, Bob Booher <pmainc at stny.rr.com>, Marla Burton <
marlaburton1996 at gmail.com>, Sarah Buss <shbuss at icloud.com>, Roger & Maxine
Butcher <rmxbutcher at dslextreme.com>, Jim Campbell <jimcampbell67 at yahoo.com>,
Salvatore Caruso <cplcaruso at igc.org>, Kitty Cole <colekitty at comcast.net>,
Sandy Conant <sandy at mesoamerica.com>, Frank Cookingham <
fm.cookingham at verizon.net>, Estermae Cox <missestermae at gmail.com>, Don
Cramer <doncramer86 at gmail.com>, Joshua Craver <joshuacraver at hotmail.com>,
Susan Craver <craversf at gmail.com>, Marilyn Crocker <marilyncrocker at juno.com>,
Mary Kurian D'Souza <marykdsouza at gmail.com>, Mark Davies <
myadavies at gmail.com>, Bain Davis <bdavvv at yahoo.com>, Isabel Delamaza <
isadelamaza at gmail.com>, Bruce Donnelly <rbrucedonnelly at gmail.com>, Mark &
Jenelle Dove <markdove543 at gmail.com>, Tim Dove <DovePHX at gmail.com>, Pat and
Doug Druckenmiller <dpat23 at msn.com>, Burna Dunn <bldunn1 at gmail.com>, David
Dunn <dmdunn1 at gmail.com>, Betty Dyson <eudyson at comcast.net>, Leah Early <
leahearly at comcast.net>, Lee Early <lees.mail at comcast.net>, Steve Ediger <
steveediger at gmail.com>, Wayne Ellsworth <wayne at icajapan.org>, Ann Ensinger <
ann.ensinger at yahoo.com>, George Ensinger <drkrmdr7 at msn.com>, Walt Epley <
wfepley at yahoo.com>, John Epps <jlepps39 at gmail.com>, Sally Fenton <
fentonaj40 at gmail.com>, Susan Fertig-Dykes <susan at gmdtech.com>, Bob Fishel <
thefishels at earthlink.net>, Ken Fisher <hkf232 at gmail.com>, Carol Fleischman <
cjfnola at bellsouth.net>, David Flowers <dwflowers at gmail.com>, Irina Fursman <
irinafursman at gmail.com>, Kaze Gadway <kayehayesgadway at gmail.com>, Alan
Gammel <agammel at ix.netcom.com>, Margie Gergen <margergen at yahoo.com>,
Michael Gergen <mmgergen at att.net>, John Gibson <jgibson99 at sbcglobal.net>,
Ken Gilbert <kgg at volomail.net>, Ruth Gilbert <ruthhgilbert at gmail.com>, Jack
Gilles <jackcgilles at gmail.com>, Herman Greene <hfgreene at mindspring.com>,
Dianne Greenwald <diannegreenwald at yahoo.com>, Kathleen Gribble <
kathg109 at aol.com>, Murial Griffin <murielcgriffin2 at hotmail.com>, Robert
Griffin <ramgriffin at msn.com>, Beret Griffith <beretgriffith at gmail.com>,
Bill Grow <billgrow at verizon.net>, Nan Grow <nangrow at verizon.net>, Charles
Hahn <cfhahn30 at gmail.com>, Doris Hahn <dshahn31 at gmail.com>, Linda Hamilton <
participationworks at verizon.net>, Milan Hamilton <delivery at smilebox.com>,
Judy Hamje <jhamje at gmail.com>, Stuart & Mary Hampton <shampton at hoovers.com>,
Bob Hanson <koshin at centurytel.net>, Bruce Hanson <dochanson at mac.com>, Mirja
Hanson <mirjah at aol.com>, Sam Hanson <shanson at briggs.com>, Debra Harris <
quantum1135 at yahoo.com>, Shirley Henschen <sjhenschen at q.com>, Karl Hess <
hesskw at att.net>, Betty Hill <elizabethhill at verizon.net>, Len Hockley <
LenH at efn.org>, Phyllis Hockley <phyllish at efn.org>, George Holcombe <
geowanda at earthlink.net>, Wanda Holcombe <wandah70 at gmail.com>, Cheryl Hood <
Cheryl.Hood at gmail.com>, Mary Hopkins <mwhop at aol.com>, Ellen & Dick Howie <
rhowie3 at verizon.net>, Robyn & John Hutchinson <rjhutchinson at optusnet.com.au>,
Maureen Jenkins <maureen at imaginaltraining.com>, Dorothea Jewell <
dj.jewell at comcast.net>, Marshall Jones <synergi at yahoo.com>, Mary Laura
Jones <mljones2022 at gmail.com>, Dilip Joshi <synerbuild at gmail.com>, Walt
Kargus <wak3 at wowway.com>, Marian & Fred Karpoff <fdmkarpoff at gmail.com>,
Martha Karpoff <markapoff at aol.com>, Tim Karpoff <timkarpoff at msn.com>,
Cheryl Kartes <Kartes at aol.com>, Frank Knutson <frankknutson2 at gmail.com>,
Joan Knutson <jfknutson at aol.com>, Sharry Lachman <sharrylachman at comcast.net>,
Wesley Lachman <lachman at comcast.net>, Lynette Ladysmith <lynlady at aol.com>,
Nancy Lanphear <nancy at songaia.com>, Stefan Laxdal <slaxmd at aol.com>, Sue
Laxdal <sue.laxdal at igc.org>, David Lazear <dglazear at me.com>, Judy Lindblad <
nj.lindblad at gmail.com>, Teresa Lingafelter <tlingafe at gmail.com>, Charles
Lingo <clingojr at aol.com>, Larry Loeppke <larrydloeppke at mchsi.com>, Jean
Long <jean.long512 at gmail.com>, Terran Longacre <tel at telphoto.com>, Tim Lush
<tlush2 at gmail.com>, Angelo Magistro <cmagi4 at aol.com>, Marianne & Clancy
Mann <cjmamann at verizon.net>, Gene Marshall <jgmarshall at cableone.net>,
Michael May <michael at interiormythos.com>, Diann McCabe <dm14 at txstate.edu>,
Jann McGuire <jannmcguire at gmail.com>, Maria & Richard McGuire <
unfolding at smartchat.net.au>, Christine Mead <meadce at aol.com>, Joe Meinhart <
jmeinhart at gmail.com>, Carmen Mendoza <Mendozaco3 at gmail.com>, David
Middleton <quietman at wi.rr.com>, John Miesen <johnmiesenhome at optusnet.com.au>,
Marty Miles <mmilesconsulting at gmail.com>, Daniel Mittleman <
danny at cdm.depaul.edu>, Mary Warren Moffett <marywmoffett at comcast.net>, Fran
Moore <fcmoore2 at cox.net>, Maynard Moore <emaynard8 at yahoo.com>, Tom Morrison
<2tjmorrison at gmail.com>, Jo Nelson <jnelson at ica-associates.ca>, Rebecca
Nichols <rebeccajnichols at aol.com>, Paul Noah <noah.pnoah at gmail.com>, "A.M.
Noel" <anthonymarianoel at gmail.com>, Ashleigh Norment <anorment at yahoo.com>,
Vaughn OHalloran <vaughnskoad at yahoo.com>, Ken Otto <kenotto2 at gmail.com>,
John Oyler <johnoyler at cox.net>, Marilyn Oyler <marilynoyler at cox.net>, Elise
Packard <kelisepackard at gmail.com>, George Packard <george.packard1 at rcn.com>,
Vinod & Kamala Parekh <vinodkamalaparekh at gmail.com>, Bill Parker <
bparker1251963 at gmail.com>, John Patterson <jpatterson at abbeynorth.ca>, Thea
Patterson <pattersonthea at hotmail.com>, Evelyn Philbrook <joyful52 at gmail.com>,
Larry Philbrook <larry at icatw.com>, Marge Philbrook <margephilbrook at gmail.com>,
Paula Philbrook <paula.philbrook at gmail.com>, Lewie Pierce <
lhpiercedds at gmail.com>, Charlene Powell <cpowell37 at aol.com>, Ike Powell <
ikpwll at aol.com>, Bob Rafos <rafos at sympatico.ca>, Sandra Rafos <
sandyrafos at gmail.com>, Ellen & David Rebstock <grapevin2 at gmail.com>,
Wendell Refior <wendellrefior at gmail.com>, Rod Ripple <rodrippel at cox.net>,
Dorcus & Ken Rose <icatroy at verizon.net>, Bill Salmon <wsalmon at cox.net>,
Janet Sanders <jansanders5 at gmail.com>, Rosanne Sands <
coevolutionacademy at juno.com>, Shizuyo Sato <shizuyo at icajapan.org>, Bill
Schlesinger <pvida at whc.net>, Kay Schnizlein <joyfulkay at aspect1.net>, Paul
Schrijnen <Pschrijnen at aol.com>, David Scott <drdscott72 at gmail.com>,
Margaret Scott <mardavscott at gmail.com>, Euncie Shankland <
emshankland at comcast.net>, Sherwood Shankland <sherwoodshankland at comcast.net>,
Lynette Shanklin-Flowers <Lginreach at aol.com>, Marie Sharp <
Mbsharp71 at gmail.com>, Michael Shaw <d.michael.shaw at comcast.net>, Molly Shaw
<Mollyshaw at comcast.net>, Richard Sims <richardlsims at hotmail.com>, Louise
Singleton <singltn at aol.com>, Harold Slater <hslatotrailwulf at aol.com>, James
Slotta <jslotta at earthlink.net>, Olive Ann Slotta <OSlotta at earthlink.net>,
Karen Snyder <karen.snyder10 at gmail.com>, Jackie Speicher <
speicja at earlham.edu>, Ray Spencer <raymond at spencer.tc>, Tina Spencer <
tina at spencer.tc>, Jeanette Stanfield <jstanfield at ica-associates.ca>, Bill
Staples <bstaples at ica-associates.ca>, Ilona Staples <
istaples at ica-associates.ca>, Wendell&Shirley StJohn <tseminars at aol.com>,
Carl Stock <carletonstock at aol.com>, Ellie Stock <elliestock at aol.com>, Jim
Stovall <J_stovall at site.net>, Elaine Stover <Greenschemes at bellsouth.net>,
Nelson Stover <fnelsonstover at gmail.com>, Martha Talbott <mltalbott at att.net>,
Joe Thomas <jrthomas42 at aol.com>, Adam Thomson <adam.thomson at pobox.com>,
Judith Tippett <jdtippett2 at aol.com>, Mike Tippett <mbtippett2 at aol.com>,
Geraldine Tolman <gdtolman at comcast.net>, Nancy Trask <
nancytrask at rocketmail.com>, Jim Troxel <jtroxel49 at gmail.com>, Pat Tuecke <
ptuecke at gmail.com>, Jaime Vergara <Jrvergarajr2031 at aol.com>, Dharmalingam
Vinasithamby <dvinasithamby at yahoo.com>, Mike Vosler <mvuccoef at earthlink.net>,
Nancy Vosler <nancyrvo at wustl.edu>, Harry Wainwright <
h-wainwright at charter.net>, Sunny Walker <sunwalker at comcast.net>, Carol
Walters <clwalters44 at gmail.com>, David Walters <walters at alaweb.com>, George
Walters <m.george.walters at gmail.com>, Larry Ward <
Larry at thelotusinstitute.org>, Jean Watts <jeanwatts at cox.net>, Patricia Webb
<silencefoundation at cox.net>, Susan Wegner <susan at tswegner.net>, Tim Wegner <
tim at tswegner.net>, Catherine Welch <catherine at welchbox.com>, Mark Welch <
mark at welchbox.com>, Dick West <rwestica at gmail.com>, George West <
westgeo at yahoo.com>, Bill Westre <wwestre at comcast.net>, Sheela Westre <
swestre at comcast.net>, Jim Wheeler <jimandjo at sbcglobal.net>, Judi White <
sophiacircle at gmail.com>, Clare Whitney <cla9ken8 at ecentral.com>, Jim Wiegel <
jfwiegel at gmail.com>, Judy Wiegel <judithwiegel at yahoo.com>, Randy Williams <
rcwmbw at yahoo.com>, Pricilla Wilson <pris at teamtechpress.com>, Ann Wood <
AWOODEWM at aol.com>, Rob Work <warkers at msn.com>, Ted Wysocki <
TWysocki at ica-usa.org>, David Zahrt <4deezee at gmail.com>, Linda Zahrt <
4linderz at gmail.com>, Donna & Dallas Ziegenhorn <DonnaWZ at aol.com>

*               Creating The Future Of Our Past        Inviting you to
attend theGLOBAL ARCHIVES FALL SOJOURN      October 21 – 27, 2018JOIN US in
transforming more than 50 years of programs, projects, methods and training
by staff and volunteers – to an ICA Archives Website to be launched by the
end of the year accessible to anyone in the world. Nine collections are
revealing our foundational wisdom and
DevelopmentChanging ImagesProfound EngagementSocial Change
ProcessesFacilitation MethodsInterior LifeCommunity ForumsCollaborative
NetworkingGlobal MovementWhat areas would you like to assist us with as we
make them visible to the world? We are currently working on these four
areas: Social Change Process (New Social Vehicle);  Changing Images;
Facilitation Methods; Interior LIfe. Include your priorities in the
registration information you email to jean.long512 at gmail.com
<jean.long512 at gmail.com> -see next page. The work of the Archives week will
include: 1. Assessing what is going on in the world and in our work
presently. 2. Searching the Archives to document past wisdom.3. Creating
web pages with photos, videos, articles, programs that will showcase the
work of the past and present.Cheap flight sales are on now.  No previous
archive experience needed.  Anyone who can -- come in early to help with
prep (from Thursday, 10/18 on). For additional information, please call
Jean Long (720-633-5008) or email jean.long512 at gmail.com
<jean.long512 at gmail.com>.  (For registration information see next
page.)PARTICIPANT PRACTICS:Dates:  October 21 (Sunday arrival) * - October
27 (Saturday departure)Location: ICA Greenrise Learning Lab, 4750 N.
Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60640
rooms on the 8th floor – Couples - $45.00;   Singles – $30.00 (per bed)
(Rooms across from the bathrooms go first.)Food - $30 per day for 3 meals
(Monday through Friday)Parking fee -  $7.50/day: $45.00/Sunday -
SaturdayConference fee - $30.00 to cover conference materials and
expensesPayment:  Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, CheckTo register:
 e-mail Jean Long   jean.long512 at gmail.com <jean.long512 at gmail.com>
****When you send in your e-mail registration to Jean Long -
jean.long512 at gmail.com <jean.long512 at gmail.com> please include the
following information: 1. Name(s) address, e-mail and phone number of those
registering. 2. Dates of arrival and departure3. List two or three priority
areas that you would like to work with while you are here. (Chart on the
first page of this invitation.)*Anyone who can - come in early to help with
prep (from Thursday 10/18 on).*

Thanks until later. "To believe what is true for you in your private heart
is true for all men -- that is genius." - Emerson in "Self-Reliance"
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