[Oe List ...] 12 Step Plan to cope if your candidate loses election...

Ellie Stock via OE oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Wed Nov 9 16:59:59 PST 2016

This came from the USA Today'''


12-Step Plan to cope if your candidate loses election:
1 - Feel free to scream.  Just don't do it in public.  It's a good way to shed some angst.
2 - Practice acceptance.  Face the facts.  You don't have to like it to accept that it's the reality and you have to move forward.
3. Take action.  Support an election issue that was important to you and it will help you feel empowered.
4.  Create an exit plan.  No, don't leave the country.  But, have a strategy that lets you gracefully exit any anxiety-provoking political conversation.  Don't escalate.
5.  Heed your early-warning signs.  When you start to think "This person is an idiot," know your triggers and back off.
6.  Manage your exposure.  We all know there are certain people, social media posts or TV outlets that fuel aggravation or depression, avoid these and limit exposure.
7.  Think broadly.  We know there are people who support the other side.  It doesn't make them a villain.  Practice empathy and kindness.  At times this will be a challenge.
8.  Build a support system.  It's OK to vent, but do it in a healthy self-controlled way and do it with people who are positive and support you.  (Maybe we should have a VENT party).  
9.  Slow down and self-soothe.  This could be a time to try meditation, or a walk in the woods, or anything that gives you inner peace.
10. Be thankful.  Name things you are grateful for, i.e., a sunny day, great friends, good health.  Feed your brain positive info.
11. Get some perspective.  Turn on a comedy, watch a classic movie, spend a day with grandkids, or read a good book.  Know that life will go on even though you're disappointed.
12. Model good behavior.  Be a gracious loser.  Set examples for each other with positive ways to cope.  Exhibit self-control.  By doing these things we strengthen our own resilience.

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