[Oe List ...] Joyfully sharing news of my new book.

Ed Feldmanis via OE oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Wed Jun 1 19:06:14 PDT 2016

Dear Community, I finally, after more than 7 years of work have completed
my book,
After the Wedding Cake.  It is a book for couples. And finally it is up on
Amazon. At its core, as I understand it, is so much of our own work and
wisdom.This book is about my mission and I hope to help a lot of people.

It brings together so many questions and answers that couples cannot find
in anyone place.  It also has
a built in workbook.  It is written especially for newly weds and those who
are engaged.

This is my first book and it humbly joins the 400 other books written by
our prolific colleagues. Thank you for letting me share my moment of joy.

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