[Oe List ...] [Dialogue] Today: aa Breakfast News Conversation possibility in text

Janet Sanders via OE oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Tue May 12 08:44:34 PDT 2015

Paublo quote is missing on my email.  Do you have an article by Meg on her ideas.  Where I engage disagreement.  Engaging principals and administration in exploring how they can shift their school system from outmoded top-down structure to engagment, participation and new images of possibility. 
Janet A. Sanders

Date: Tue, 12 May 2015 08:24:17 -0500
To: oe at lists.wedgeblade.net; dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net; elliestock at aol.com; jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Subject: [Dialogue] Today: aa Breakfast News Conversation possibility in text
From: dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net

A Biblical quote I remember from a Breakfast-news Conversation in Academy 72"if you love me", Jesus said, "feed my sheep."
A reader comment in today's NYTimes article about the decline of Christianity in the UShttp://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/12/upshot/big-drop-in-share-of-americans-calling-themselves-christian.html?&target=comments&hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&modref=HPCommentsRefer&module=second-column-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&abt=0002&abg=1#commentsContainer
Here is a comment from a  Portland Oregon reader usa999
"Raised in a mainline active Protestant family and a conservative Republican for decades I nevertheless abhore the opportunistic appropriation of Christianity for political purposes by people with no commitment to its spiritual or ethical values. It is for show and exploitation, capitalizing on the mentally-impoverished and fearful to project claims of moral significance when in fact political Christianity is primarily about mobilization in support of rapacious economic elites. The Bible tells us Christ drove money-changers from the temple while today's make-believe Christians embrace them and offer a favored place near the altar. They are usurpers preying on the weak-minded, not believers letting their behavior bear witness to their faith".
My own recent experienceAn ICA study groupSo Far From Home online book study of Meg Wheatley book on emergent change
Meg: Many of us -certainly I'd describe myself in these terms - were anxiously engaged in "the ceremony of innocence." We didn't think we were innocents, but we were. We thought we could change the world. We even believed that, with sufficient will and passion, we could "create a world." on that embodied our aspirations for justice, equality, opportunity, piece, a world where, in Paulo Freiee's terms.
Steve: One of my best friends Bill-the-potter: Steve, how do you engage disagreements in your life, tell me a story. I did. I told a story about engaging the project of actually getting ICA Archive materials available somewhere besides the 6th floor of a building located somewhere in Chicago.USA.  
The Breakfast News Question, today only?
Do you, how do you engage disagreements in your life?Do you, how do you  "Opportunistic Christians"?Share  a SHORT story?

Steve Harrington  
-- Steve Harrington

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