[Oe List ...] Question about Imaginal Education 9these days

steve har via OE oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Sun Dec 7 06:32:40 PST 2014

In Nepal and India
Nelson Stover and Loren Weybright are collaborating on two schools one
in Nepal and one in Chikhale school in Maharastra.

Loren is onsite in Nepal for 3 months doing Action Plan projects with
the staff & teachers and curriculum design and coaching with
individual teachers.

In January they both will be in Maharastra at the Chickhale school for
a 2 day professional development.

Here is a question that needs an answer:
Just what is Imaginal Education, Now and how do you practice it?

Nelson asked this question and they are looking for a variety of
(simple) responses.

Can you share a sentence on Imaginal Education rom your experience,
short, simple?

Steve Harrington
PS if you want you can track developments in Nepal and Chikhale by
signing up at the Imaginal Education Collection upper right hand
corner here: https://wedgeblade.net/wordpress/imaginaleducation/blog/

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