[Oe List ...] Some thoughts about the future

R Williams rcwmbw at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 24 14:15:39 PDT 2013

Initial reflections on this dialogue.
I don't know if what I have to say that follows is what is meant by "new pedagogy" or not.  There is a degree to which what we, or at least what I, once thought the "old" pedagogy to be is now passé.  I believe it is no longer effective to stand up in front of a room of people and beat them over the head with the symbolic 2x4 to get their attention and then pummel them into submission with image overload and then sign them up to come do what you/we think they ought to be doing with their lives.  Education is about people claiming their freedom without any preconceived notions as to what they will do with it once they have it.
In education/learning the "teacher" is being replaced by the "learning facilitator" with the learner as the focal point.  The "sage on the stage" is being replaced by the "guide on the side."  Learning by "prescription" is being replaced by learning by "discovery."  "Classroom" learning is being replaced by "experiential" learning where the curriculum includes life as the context and practical, in-the-moment experiences as the subject matter.  Learning as "preparation" for doing is being replaced by "learning" in the midst of doing, and I'm not talking about experimentation, I'm talking about doing it for real, like it counts.  What has not changed about who we were is the focus on "depth" education, i.e. not primarily on the transfer of knowledge and skills (which I call training), but on changing minds and hearts (which I call education), where "why" is more important than "what" or "how."  Though we called it "training," I
 contend we were never about training, but about education.
In my opinion, essential reading for getting into this is Friere's Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Education for Critical Consciousness (old books that were far ahead of their time that need to be read again and again, along with whatever Otto Scharmer et al has written on "Theory U"  and "Presencing."  I'm sure there's more.
It is very hard today to draw a clear distinction between knowing, doing and being.  So it follows that that there may no longer be a distinction to be drawn between a "teaching" order and a "serving" order, or else how could we talk about "service learning."  And it likewise may not be possible to delineate a "contemplative" order either.  They may all be the same thing, given the way all of life is intermingled with all of life.

"Something there is that doesn't love a wall, that wants it down."
-Robert Frost

From: Herman Greene <hfgreenenc at gmail.com>
To: Order Ecumenical Community <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net> 
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2013 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Some thoughts about the future

I know from talking with Jack at some lengths that we are in agreement on the spirit of what this is about. 

The issue though is not about the Order but about what kind of mission might be calling something into being which needs to draw on our legacy. In Catholic circles there are teaching orders, preaching orders, serving orders and contemplative orders. We were a teaching order and became a serving order. I'm primarily raising the issue of raising up pedagogy around the ESI initiative, out of that may come some corporate structure but it has to come out of the mission not "from" the Oder. 

Jack really believes the guilds are important. To me this is again forming structures to make change happen. I don't meant to cut out dialogue about the guild, certainly anyone may pursue it or any group may pursue it. I'm primarily concerned about developing and teaching a curriculum to values-based organizations about the "Great Transition" and about how to be a global citizen in the planetary phase of human development. 

Jack just sent me the highly productive work he has done on the "Life Process" which is a set of three trianlges, one of which is the social process, another is the human process (or self) and the third is the ecological process. At bottom this is what the curriculum would need to cover, but how to do it is a challenge.

To follow the thread I am on would require some background reading, most of which I have accumulated. Which is not to say that I would not have to do background reading on the thread you have followed.

This is pedagogy directed not at, as Bill says the Christian church, but at religious, spiritual and secular values-based organization (VBOs). The curriculum would have to be developed, presumably in collaboration with non-EI/ICA groups that are involved in ESI, though it would also perhaps be wise to have a group that specifically focuses on this within our lineage. Collaborations don't just happen, the member groups have to bring something to the table so we would need to prepare what we bring to the table. 

It is fulfilling in our time what EI would have done in our time if it had come into being now. The structures and forms of doing this will be different though than what we had in EI. There is no template it would have to come into being. Any "order" "ritual" or "corporate" aspect of this would simply be for the mission. 

To go back to a point I made earlier, I am raising this because I don't know of any group that was able to do through teaching (pedagogy) what EI was able to do. We are the resource that is needed and we can pass this on drawing on the experience, wisdom and learning we have gained over the years to a new time and to a new generation in the remaining years of our lives.



On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Jack Gilles <jackcgilles at gmail.com> wrote:

Dear All, 
>Herman has started a new and profound dialogue. This is indeed what we were aiming at with our creation of the Springboard group and list serve years ago. There is no doubt that there is a core of us who feel deeply about the need to relate together in a proactive role in a number of domains. It was the basis of the Springboard that the Order decision so many of us participated in transcends any particular manifestation, and many of us consider ourselves "Order" until death. I believe, like Herman, the existence of a self-conscious Order is something to seriously consider. All of us have encountered people who never heard of the ICA/EI/OE but would see themselves as part of the "Invisible College", "The League" etc. and would find a covenanted body meaningful. The key question is "for what end" would it be? I have always liked the name "Order of the Earth" (OE) as a holding category and shifts the relationship from religion to Ecology (in the most
 profound sense). 
>Anyway, I an certain that not everyone on this list serve wants to participate in this conversation, but I'll let others suggest at what point we would shift to either a newly created list serve, or perhaps better, into Google docs. and eventually Google Hangouts. But we need to, at some point, begin to move toward some collaborative 'doing', even if that doing is some research and/or some corporate writing. 
>Let the dialogue continue. Thanks Herman, Jann, Jim etc.
>On Jun 24, 2013, at 8:27 AM, Herman Greene <hfgreenenc at gmail.com> wrote:
>Excellent Jann, 
>>ESI is something in which various organizations can collaborate without losing their identity. 
>>On the issue of a new teaching force, a new EI (either Ecumenical Institute around John Cock's redefinition of ecumenical) or an Ecozoic Institute drawing on Thomas Berry's understanding of that term but not making it a Thomas Berry institute) is something that I am probably in a strong minority in thinking about. The gist of the idea is that OE would turn over to a new generation an understanding of pedagogy around a new core curriculum. As I see it that would be a curriculum developed in the collaboration that ESI is, but there is also the possibility that some group would take it on as a project and there would be nothing wrong with that effort becoming organized. 
>>As I was going through materials yesterday from OE, I came across two article by Bill Parker on the new pedagogy. We are thinking along the same lines. They are both presented below and I can send them as attachments to anyone who asks for them. 
>>In one Bill makes this salient point: "The circumstances of our environment can no longer use facilitation as the awakenment tool at first. We are living in a time in which a “new pedagogy” must come into being; not facilitation of everyone’s mixed up and confused thinking."
>>In the other Bill makes this point: "None of us as individuals woke up until someone awakened us personally. Only then did we grasp that we could be a skilled pedagogue awakening and training thousands in a new pedagogy for the sake of awakening the world to a new way of being human. "
>>I too look forward to substantive dialogue around this. 
>>See articles below.
>>Speaking of the New Pedagogy, which implies a new pedagogue, perhaps the obvious needs to be pointed out. Here are some thoughts about the emerging shape of the New Pedagogy as seen through the presence of the new pedagogue. 
>>The New Pedagogy is remarkably different from anything we have ever done in our past because the pedagogue is completely different from the pedagogue of the past, even if the pedagogues are the same person. The pedagogue of the 60’s was not global, in spite of one’s self story, nor had the pedagogue of the 60’s spent 30 years living the Dark Night of the Soul. The 60’s pedagogue had no understanding of the terrain and topography of the other world in the midst of this world, the Kingdom of God, I believe Jesus called it. The old pedagogue had no first hand knowledge of what the pedagogy of the oppressed was nor how it worked in every land of the planet until they went there and did it. The old pedagogue had no clue as to how to be sustained in a solitary and self-sufficient life. The pedagogue of the 60’s was naïve about the world and about the consequences of not being responsible globally, theologically, or economically, as the human
 condition and the condition of the planet reveal so clearly today. The Pedagogue of the 60’s saw ecumenism insofar as the Christian community was concerned and not as a vehicle for global peace and diversity through interaction of an inter-faith community. 
>>The pedagogy of the past was but a prelude to the pedagogy we are now putting together. The pedagogue of the past was but a spiritual shadow of the pedagogues you have become today. But we must shake off our stylistic compromises and our preferred prejudices we acquired in order to be imminently presentable to our chosen markets, if we are to build the earth. We cannot keep doing what we have been doing, we cannot simply wrap our arms around everything everyone is doing and say that is it, we must courageously embrace a new role, take a new risk, embrace an open future, address the global contradiction and see to it that what needs to be done is getting done.
>>None of us as individuals woke up until someone awakened us personally. Only then did we grasp that we could be a skilled pedagogue awakening and training thousands in a new pedagogy for the sake of awakening the world to a new way of being human.  We live in urgent times now and our time is short.  If we are going to move on this moment, now is the time to move.  There is no doubt we have been prepared by the fire of life for this. The only question is who will. 
>>There is no new pedagogy nor new pedagogue without embodying that which is being disclosed in the style of the pedagogy. RSI changed our lives because the pedagogues were living their pedagogy! That reality was the methodology. We, too, are called to be that embodiment regardless of whether we say yes or no to what history is asking us to do. 
>>With profound respect, take care for there is little time and so much to do. 
>>Grace and Peace be unto you.
>>Given at thePeopleof theOrderGathering
>>July 14, 15,2010
>>By BillParker
>>It wasremarkabletoseethetwentyorthirtypeopleoftheOrdercometoOklahomaandparticipateinthe SymposiumwithOCUfacultyandOIKOSstudentscholars.Thegatheringwaslikenothingelseandthat special,uniquerelationshipamongthePeopleof theOrderwasmanifestagain.
>>Wehavecomeagreatdistancetogetherandalone.Whowewereasacommunityofpeoplemarkeda realitystillhavingamajorimpactonpeople’slives.If youdon’tbelieveme,ask JimWheeler,whojust borewitnessintheWheelerDeclarationandinwhathejustnowsharedwithus.Wewereacommunity transparentlygroundedinthefaithtraditionoftheChurch.Ourmissiontotheworldtookusdeeplyinto thegreattraditionof theChristianfaith.Everythingwesaid,thoughtanddidwascarefullyunderstoodto bebuildingonthegreattraditionofthefaith.Weprobeddeeplyintothehistoricalchurchbeforewe
>>decidedtomovedirectlyintothe worldanddemonstratewhattheChurchlookedlikeinmissiononbehalf ofall.
>>Ourmissiontotheworldtookustoplaceswherewealldiscoveredsomethingfarmorewasrequiredof us,somethingnew;somethingcapableofsustaininga pluriformcommunityinmission.Wecouldno longerfunctionasa transparentlygroundedcommunityoftheChristiantradition:wewerediverse,and yetweneedednewmyths,rites,andsymbols,aswellasapracticalcorporatediscipline.
>>Inthisturningpoint,wemovedtoaseculardisciplinebaseduponthemostcommondenominator:“Those whocare”.WeencounteredaforkintheroadandwetookthisoneandbecametheInstituteof Cultural Affairs.Now,Iamnotcriticizingourdecision.It wasexactlywhatweneededtohavedone,aspainfulas thatturnedouttobe.Whatwedidsustainedthemovementanddemonstratedanentirelynew,radical
>>andeffectivemethodforsustainablehumandevelopmenttheworldover.Butforus,theOrder,overtime, overastretchof a decade,thefoundationofourspiritlifewasexperiencedascloudy,orshallow.Yetwe couldnotgoback.Wehadbecomeglobal,spirituallyglobal,andwehadgonebeyondtheChristianfaith traditiontoapluriformtradition,ornotradition.
>>EbooPatel,inhisbookActsofFaith:TheStoryof anAmericanMuslim,theStrugglefortheSoulofa Generation,saysthedivisionsin theworldtodayareininter-faithrelationships.But,thedivisionsarenot betweenChristianandMuslim,orMuslimsandJews,orHinduandChristian.Thelinethatdividesall faithsis betweentheReligiousTotalitariansandtheReligiousPluriformistswithinallfaithtraditions.
>>TheReligiousTotalitariansisolatethemselvesandthinkof themselvesassuperior,orevencultivatehate towardthosewholookorbelievedifferentlyfrom themselves.WhiletheReligiousPluriformistsembrace diversityoffaith,cultureandpractice,andseekpeaceandcommunitybyworkingtogethertowarda
>>betterworld.Thatis theglobaldivisionthatthreatenseverythingthehumancommunityhas workedto achieve.
>>Theremarkablefactinthis divisionis thatReligiousTotalitarianshavefordecadesinvestedhundredsof millionsofdollarsinthecarefultraining,mentoring,andencouragingoftherisinggenerationsaboutwhat it meanstobehuman.Theyhavenurturedthe youngergenerationseversocarefullyinracialorreligious hatredandtheaccompanyingself-righteousnessasatruepictureofreality.Theyhavebuiltandstaffed Universities,HighSchools,MiddleSchools,ElementarySchools,andevendaycaretogroommore toward thatwayofseeingreality.Theyhavetrainingcampstogetthem preparedforthe“holy”struggle.
>>Whilethisis goingon,duringthesamedecades,theReligiousPluriformistshaveinvestedpracticallyzero inthespecialnurturingformationanddevelopmentof therisinggenerationstowardthedesirabilityand necessityofa worldofpluriformityanddiversity.
>>Patelwalksusthroughtheknownterroristsandtheviolentgroupsdevelopingrapidlyinthiscountryand aroundtheworldduringthepastfewyears.Hepointsoutthatitis theyoungwhoarecommittingthe terrorist’sacts,astheygivetheirlivestoit.Theyarehardlyoldenoughtoknowwhattheyaredoingbut theoldermenbehindthem arementoringthem inwhattheirfaithtraditionmeans,pushingthem toward notionsofsuperiority,hatredof differencesofotherpeople,violenceandactsofterrorism.Allthewhile themenbehindtheseyoungpeopleareprovidingassurancesthattheirviolentactsarepure,necessary, andarethewillofGod.Theyassuretherisinggenerationthatthesebeliefs,attitudes,andactionsare thefulfillmentof theirlives,climaxedbydyingforthestruggle.
>>Thetimeis nowforallthosewantingacultureof peace,diversityandpluriformitytomakeabold
>>decision.Wehavecometo ahistoricmomentinourlifewherewearefacinganotherforkintheroad.Jim
>>becauseofthedifficultiesitsChristiantraditioncreatedinthediversesituationsinwhichwewerelocated. Headds,however,thattheunrealizedopportunitiesnevergoaway.Theyonlyremainintheunconscious untilcircumstancescallthemforthasanecessityandthatispreciselywherewearetoday.
>>Wehadthatpossibilityin1970-1971,becauseweunderstoodourselvestobelivingoutofaNew ReligiousMode,tobecometheglobal,interfaithEcumenicalInstitutebutwechosenottoandforvery goodreasons.Wehadtogothroughthatwhichwewentthrough,wherethebottomfelloutfrom under us, and wewereshatteredovertime,andultimatelycalledourselvesoutof beingasanOrderin1988. WewerenotpreparedtomoveforwardastheEcumenicalInstituteinaglobal,interfaithwayandhadwe
>>donesoat thattime,wewouldhavebecomejustanotherReligiousTotalitariancommunity.Godsavedus from that.
>>Returningtothatforkintheroadis preciselywhatis happeningtoday.Thecircumstancesofour environmentcannolonger usefacilitationastheawakenmenttoolatfirst.Wearelivinginatimeinwhich a“newpedagogy”mustcomeintobeing;notfacilitationof everyone’smixedupandconfusedthinking thatyieldsasenseofhopelessnessandcynicismexcepton amostreducedscale.Wehavetocut throughallofthepopularrubbishandundergrowthtoreachtheindividualcenterof people’slivessothey mayhavethepossibilityofdecidingforthemselveswhatitmeanstobeahumanbeingtoday,inthis momentandcircumstance.Ifyoudon’tseethedifferencesIampointingtoinfacilitationandpedagogy, then youdonotunderstandwhatIamtryingtosay.Imayneedtofinda betterwaytosaythis.
>>Thisreturningtotheforkdoesnotmeanwereturntotheoldpedagogyandtheoldcourses,butrathera “newpedagogy”basedupongroundingofChristian,Jewish,Islamic,Hindu,orotherfaithtraditions. Pedagogyis somethingwehaveallgottorelearn.Wehaveembracedourroleas facilitatorsfor40years andwecannotfacilitatethisawakenment.Itrequirespedagogythatslicesthroughtheperipheraltothe depthsofthehumansoul.Thisis thecuttingedgetoday!Thisnewpedagogyis theawakenmenttask beforeus.Inthiscontext,facilitationis ourtoolkit,our hammerandscrewdriver,forengagementbutnot ouredgeforawakenment.
>>WhatwehavebeendoingwithOIKOSandOCU,CentenaryUniversity,andotherassociationsisgetting accesstotherisinggenerations,whobywayofthesecularandscientificculturalrealities,havenever beengiventhepossibilityof theirownfaithtraditionsasgroundedinlifeandhavingthosetraditions interpretthemeaningof theirlives.Instead,theyswirlaroundinconfusion,tryingtointerpretandmake senseof theirfaithtraditionanditsrelationshiptotheirlivesinparticular.
>>PateldescribeshimselfasbeingraisedinasecularMuslimfamilyinAmerica.HevisitedhisIslamicfamilyinIndia:Grandmother,aunts,andothermembersoftheirhousehold.Hewasawareofknowinghewasamemberofafaithtraditionbutactuallynotrelatingtoitverymuchinreallife.Aftermanyyears,during prayertoobserveLaylatulQadr,thenightinRamadanwhentheQur’anwasfirstrevealed,onNewYear’sEve,theturnofthemillennium,hehadamomentinhislifewhenhewasstruckwithastark clarity:he,EbooPatel,waspartofthestoryofIslam,he wasapartofthestoryofpluralism,hewaspartofthe storyofthespiritualprincipalofhumantogetherness.Hesawhimselfnotasamemberofafaithtradition butasonewhois acarrierofhisfaithtraditionanda partof thelargerstory.
>>Thisis whereyoucanseethe21stCenturySpiritMovement.Itis a vast,expansiveglobalmovementof thespirit.Itis diversifiedanditis alreadylocatedineveryaspectof humancivilization.But,itmustbe declared!Andwearetheoneswhocandothatanddoitonthefoundationofour faithtraditions, whateverthosetraditionsmaybe.
>>So,whenwelookatourpastjourney,itis notsurprisingtoseehowstrongourgrowthwaswhenwewere standingona faithtraditionreachingbacktothebeginningof time,thousandsofyears.Thenweentered
>>adecadeorso ofanewsecularfaithtraditionthatwentallthewaybackto1970-1971.Nowwestandat a crucialvantagepointtoseethatweareaboutthetransparentgroundingofeveryfaithtraditioninorder tobringthefaithcontinuumfrom thebeginningoftimeintothepresentandfuture.Onlythiswillenable thecareof thisworldbycreatingacultureof peace,economicjustice,andplanetarysustainability.
>>Weneedtopursuetheavenuesofaccessingtherisinggenerations,tobeamongthem,tobeagrounded presenceof knowledgeandexperiencefrom whichtheycanaccessthefoundationsforcreatingthe future.However,beforethiscanhappen,wemustcorporatelyworkthroughthecurrentperversions blockingpeoplefrom havingtheopportunitytomakeadecisionaboutwhatitmeansforthem tobe human.
>>Wehavebeencalledtoawakenanewgenerationofpedagoguesin theranksoftherisinggenerations, andprovidethesolid,sustaining,historicalfoundationsuponwhichtheycanprovideleadershipforthe
>>21stCenturySpiritMovement.Theywill,themselves,becomethefaceof theirownfaithtraditionsin caringforthe worldandshapingtheworldtocomeintoacultureofpeaceandworkingtogether.
>>Ifyourememberourfirstdecade,thenyouknowhowimportantour culticactsweretoeverythingwe understoodaboutlife.Overtime,welostwhatweunderstoodforsomanyyearsas“thatwithoutwhich” thereis nosustainingsubstance.Irealized,asIlookedintoit,thatcorporatelywelostanysenseofthe culticpracticeslongbefore1988.WhenIdiddecide,notlongago,toliveoutofa spiritualdisciplinewitha continuumoffaithgoingfartherbackthan1971,IlookedfortheonlyculticactsIknewwhichhad connectedmetoallthepast,presentandfuture:theDailyOffice andtheCommonMeal.Iwantedtosee them foranalyticalreasonsatfirst:toseetheircomponents,thenthephrasing,andhowtheyconnected
>>Thework onspiritualpracticesandconsciousnessbyPatWebbandDavidMcCleskeyoftheSilence FoundationandLarryWardoftheLotusInstitute,remindedmeof thenecessityofculticactsforone’s consciousness,qualityoflife,andcareforthe world.Irealizedthatmyownpracticesdidnotgoback beyondmemoriespriorto1971.SoIdecidedto reviewwhatIoncenewaboutour culticpracticesandI foundIhadforgottenmostof itandsuspectedI wasnotalone.
>>IstartedsearchingforaDailyOfficeinmyfiles,onourvariouswebsites,andin theGoldenPathwaysCD butIcouldnotfindtheDailyOfficeIremembered!Icouldonlyfindsomethingthathadbeentranscribed intosomethingelseandmyexperienceof thechangewasthatsomeonehadtakenouttheculticnature oftheDailyOfficeresultinginwhatappearedtomeasseverallevelsofhigherabstraction. WhatIfoundstartedwith“IntheNameof theCreator.AndoftheRedeemer.AndoftheSustainer. Amen.” Thiseditedversiondidnotstrikemeasa“culticact”comingoutof allthepast,overthousandsof years.TheculticactI rememberedwas“IntheNameof theFather.AndoftheSon,AndoftheHoly
>>Spirit.Amen.”Thatwascultic!HowmuchIhadforgottenandI wonderedaboutothers. Whatdowenotunderstandaboutaculticact?Itis anactforalltime:past,present,andfuture.Itisnot somethingweedittoconformtosomepressuresoftheculture.If wedo,wecreateadifferentculticact notnecessarilyconnectedtothefaithtradition.
>>So,Ispentseveraldayspullingmyhairout tryingtoremembereveryphraseof theDailyOfficeand writingit,piecebypiece,puttingintheculticlanguage.AsI workedonthisIrealizedtheDailyOffice becameasolitarydisciplineformewhichconnectedmetoatraditiongoingbacktothebeginningoftime. Ihadaculticactuponwhichtoagaingroundmylifein myfaithtradition.IamgladIdidthat;ithas transformedmyawarenessofmyownlifeandtheunderstandingofthelifearoundme.Ilookforwardto examiningtheCommonMealas well.AsJimWheelersaidwhenhequotedfrom IsaiahintheWheeler Declaration:“LooktotheRockfrom whichyouwerehewn,andtothequarryfromwhichyouweredug.”
>>Weknownowthateverythingwedidwasinpartdedicatedtodevelopingskilledpedagogueswho understoodthepowerofculticacts.Doyourememberallthosepedagogyweekendswehad,orifitwas nota pedagogyweekenditwasacoursethatneededtobetaught?Doyourememberhowourfaculty wasstructuredsothatpedagogicaltrainingwasaco-objectiveof everycoursewetaught?Thinkalsoof theoperationsofthecorporatelifeof theReligiousHouses,allfocusedonpedagogicaldevelopmentof everyoneintheHouse.Thatwashowpedagogicalformationhappened:welivedit,wetookeveryone underourwingforthesakeof theirformation,anditwasn’tjustpractice,itwasworkinginthepresenceof theOrderwhowasgroundedintheirfaithtraditionandwhobecamethetranscendenceofthatfaith traditiontotheworld.
>>Thisis whatwehavebeencalledto doandithasrequiredallofourpasttoprepareustosayyesandto assumetherole.Andyouknowsomethingreallyneataboutthishistoricalmomentforus?Wedon’thave towaittoseewhattheICAdecides,ordoes.NordoweneedtowaittoseewhatMarkDaviesdecides,or OCU,orOIKOS.Thisis a decisionwecanmakerightnow,hereinthisroom,herewiththesepeople.We cannowleavetheoldOrderEcumenicalbehind.Wecandecidetobea newOrder,thesameinsome ways,buttotallytransformedbyourpastlifeasa Religious/SecularOrderandour journeythroughthe DarkNightof theSoul.Bornanewforanewtime,anewage,anewpedagogy,anda newOrder,the GlobalInter-FaithEcumenicalOrder!
>>ThisOrderis nottobe structuredlikethepastOrderbutitalreadyis self-sufficientinitscovenanttoa corporatelifeandmission.Itis anOrderofindividualswhoknowthatengagementinaspecificdaily spiritualdisciplineis thebasisforeverythingelse.WherevertherearetwoormoretheOrderwillhavea corporatecelebrationweeklyormonthly.Thereshallbeaquarterlyplanningcouncilfortheglobal mission,thegreatwork.ThereshallbeanannualOrderCouncilforthework ofaccountingandstrategic commitments.TheOrdershallstudytogethersuchmissionallyfocusedwork asEbooPatel’sbook,for example.
>>Now,I amgoingtostopandlettherestofyouhavea chanceto tellmehowwrongIam. Thankyou
>>Herman F. Greene
>>2516 Winningham Road
>>Chapel Hill, NC 27516
>>919-942-4358 (ph & fax)
>>hfgreenenc at gmail.com_______________________________________________
>>OE mailing list
>>OE at lists.wedgeblade.net
>OE mailing list
>OE at lists.wedgeblade.net

Herman F. Greene
2516 Winningham Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
919-942-4358 (ph & fax)
hfgreenenc at gmail.com
OE mailing list
OE at lists.wedgeblade.net
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