[Oe List ...] Archives Sojourn Report Spring 2013

Jack Gilles jackcgilles at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 07:04:56 PDT 2013


Funny you should suggest this. The Archive Team has already started with the first ones being two of the ICA's current programs, Accelerate 77 and the Service Learning Project. Both will have their own Archive collection web page as well as their own web page. We want a place to include the background work and document how the program unfolds. For our Fall sojourn we are going to work on at least two more; The ToP program and the GreenRise Project that will document the "greening" of 4750. 

But what would be great if to do what you suggest. Getting our colleagues who are doing new iterations of our programs and methods to document their work for inclusion in the archives is right on target. Perhaps the way to start would be to compile a list of what people are currently doing and then see if there are duplicates/similar ones that could be combined into a single collection. 

We will soon be getting out the dates and focus arenas for the Fall Sojourn gathering, as well as a model for leading toward a GRA next summer. This is rapidly becoming an active Research arm of the ICA. We need everyone's support and we hope lots of people will come for one or two weeks this next September.

On Jun 6, 2013, at 8:40 AM, Janice Ulangca <aulangca at stny.rr.com> wrote:

> Splendid suggestion, Sherwood.  And bravo for the Archives Team report - very exciting!   In our current inter-connected world, with so much stuff of all kinds (accurate, inaccurate, slanted, transforming, etc.)  availalble to those connected, we may once again have some leading-edge approaches to share.  But ideally first we share with each other. Perhaps we can find new ways to harvest the best, the universal, the transforming while keeping access to enough detail to allow discovery of new gems.  We do not have a Global Research Assembly dynamic at present. What if we did? Virtual? 
> Janice
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sherwood Shankland
> To: 'Order Ecumenical Community'
> Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 11:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Archives Sojourn Report Spring 2013
> Greetings all around… Thanks Jean and Rosemary and everyone else who is chipping in on the archives access effort. You may already be doing this…but I was thinking of “from this day forward” all of us who are designing and facilitating events around the world could also be building the “current archives”. So with a few common formats in which to document our events we could do a tip of the iceberg description to be indexed and then reference a summary document from each event that we do. The ToP Network has occasionally used a “Case-Story” reporting format (Jane Stallman’s design, perhaps others) for this purpose, but we are usually moving on to the next gig and never really take the time to do a one-page summary etc. (but we could!)
> Let’s talk, I will be coming to Green 4750 in a couple of weeks…looking forward to spending a couple of days with the archives team. More soon’
> In Peace, Sherwood
> From: oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net [mailto:oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net] On Behalf Of Timothy Wegner
> Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 4:18 AM
> To: Order Ecumenical Community
> Subject: [Oe List ...] Archives Sojourn Report Spring 2013
> (Jean Long and Rosemary Albright asked me to post this to the mailing lists. What follows is a note from Jean with a link to the report.)
> Report from Global Archives Team
> What a wonderful journey the Global Archives Team – on site and off – have been on this past year .At last fall’s sojourn event we had an imaginal breakthrough relative to how we would  share the programs which were so successful in enabling people and communities to take charge of their own futures.
> Our question had always been, “So we get these 200 file cabinets organized – how do we share them with the world?”
> The image of The Tip of The Iceberg answered that for us. As a huge iceberg is underwater and not seen except for the tip, the thousands of Town Meeting files would not be displayed on line – only chosen files, a video, a music piece, and an imaginal intro explaining how the methods could be of use to those who clicked on – only these would be in the “tip of the iceberg”.
> If people wanted to know more, info about that would be included.
> At this Spring Sojourn, we worked on getting the appropriate documents and videos, etc .for Town Meeting, Accelerate 77, Imaginal Ed and Service Learning. They are close to being available online. When they are we will send all of you the link to see them and get back to us with feedback.
> We left the Spring Sojourn program with 8 additional collections to create “tips of the iceberg” for.
> …and we SANG – like we have not sung since the late ‘70’s. The spirit is alive and well and working on projects for future generations.
> What a crew! What a task! What a legacy! For more details, click here:
> http://wedgeblade.net/files/ICA_Archives_Spring_2013_Sojourn_Report-U-Draft_4-24-2013.pdf
> Jean Long
> Rosemary Albright
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