[Oe List ...] PBS "Climate Doubt" documentary from Frontline link

Ellie Stock elliestock at aol.com
Thu Oct 25 09:45:52 PDT 2012

Thanks for forwarding, John.  If anyone gets a chance to view this Frontline special, it's worth seeing.

We watched it on PBS two nights ago.  The program spent much of the time tracking the growth and viewpoint of this "movement" of skeptics and only at the end talked about the BIG money, influence and pressure--mostly oil/fossil fuel producers--who are funding and really (my implication) catalyzing, framing, supporting, and sustaining this perspective and threatening any politicians or others who support the notion/reality of climate change and proposed government regulation of corporations regarding the environment or entering into global environmental treaties.

A few minutes of the program focused on how North Carolina would deal with the erosion of its coastland, threatening property, roads, businesses, etc.  The skeptics don't think there is anything to worry about.  Scientists do.  A policy was passed that the skeptics' opinion should weigh as heavily in debate as the research of 97% of scientists.  Asked by the reporter, who will win--the skeptics or the scientists, one of the scientists shook his head and sighed "of course the ocean will win".

By then it's too late.

Carleton does a weekly column for a local newspaper.  He mentioned the word "global warming" , and the editor made him change it because it was too controversial...

And so, as a nation, we continue to stick our heads in the sands of time...


-----Original Message-----
From: John Cock <jpc2025 at triad.rr.com>
To: 'Order Ecumenical Community' <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>; dialogue <dialogue at wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Wed, Oct 24, 2012 10:37 pm
Subject: [Oe List ...] PBS "Climate Doubt" documentary from Frontline link

Worth watching.


John and Lynda

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