[Oe List ...] FW: Nice to hear from you

Tim Wegner twegner at swbell.net
Wed Oct 17 07:41:59 PDT 2012

Herman asked:

> Sherwood Shankland wants to join this listserve. How does he do 
> that?

I am happy to help with subscribing Sherwood. But just so you all 
know,  every list message has a footer (which may show as an 
attachment) that contains information for how to get to screens that 
enable you to to manage your membership, including subscribing and 
unsubscribing, turning off mail, and so forth.

Also be aware that if you want to subscribe an additional email 
(without necessarily having list mail go to that email), this is 
easily done, saving me from having to manually approve your posts 
that come from the "wrong" emails. Just ask me via private email if 
you need help with this. I am seeing a fair bit of (legititmate) post 
attempts from non-subscribed emails. Lately I've been marking those 
emails to just be always allowed to post, so maybe this is a problem 
that is already solved. Still, list mindfullness and understanding on 
your part is a good thing, unless you prefer to allow the mysterious 
hand behind the screen to control all.

I continue to be in awe of how well old clunky obsolete email works 
to keep us connected. Just don't try to explain mailing lists to your 
grandkids. In the grand sweep of history email is a tiny blip on the 
timeline that is coming to an end, but it still works for us, and 
might even outlast us!


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