[Oe List ...] People's manifesto, please consider signing and gathering additional signatures

Richard Alton dick_alton at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 22 08:59:54 PDT 2012

Great work, Herman. I signed and will study the document. It may be a good read for our local green groups.

Richard H.T. Alton 166 N. Humphrey Ave, Apt, 1N
Oak Park, IL 60302
richard.alton at gmail.com

Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back 
   Babe Ruth

From: hfgreene at mindspring.com
To: oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2012 08:49:54 -0300
Subject: [Oe List ...] People's manifesto,	please consider signing and gathering additional signatures

In the absence of a good outcome document by governments, a
group of Civil Society Groups put together a People’s Manifesto calling
for a global citizens movement to create the political will for change. I
participated in drafting this, please consider signing it and circulating it to
your lists for signature. 


The document is found at http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/peoples-sustainability-manifesto


The treaties which will become the ongoing basis of
organizing are at http://sustainabilitytreaties.org/draft-treaties/


I have been involved in the Ethics and Spirituality Treaty.
I think this movement has many implications for ICA and even for possibly reviving the
Ecumenical Institute.



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