[Oe List ...] FW: Launch of 2nd Edition of Courage to Lead

James Wiegel jfwiegel at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 13 19:19:49 PDT 2012

Got it. On my iPad wow.

Jim Wiegel
Jfwiegel at yahoo.com

“One cannot live in the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning; for what was great in the morning will be of little importance in the evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening have become a lie.” – Carl Jung

Partners in Participation Upcoming public course opportunities:
ToP Facilitation Methods, Sept 11-12, 2012
ToP Strategic Planning, Oct 9-10, 2012
The AZ Community of Practice meets the 1st Friday- Sept 7, 2012
Facilitation Mastery : Our Mastering the Technology of Participation program is available in Phoenix in 2012-3. Program begins on Nov 14-16, 2012 
See short video http://partnersinparticipation.com/?page_id=55 and website for further details.

On Jun 13, 2012, at 8:57, "jsanders at bconnex.net" <jsanders at bconnex.net> wrote:

> The following is a short article Richard and I wrote on the Launch of the
> Courage to Lead book.  Enjoy  
> THE ICA CANADA    Courage to Lead Book Launch
> 2012 marks the 50th year for the ICA.  We celebrated the last 50 years by
> attending ICA Canada’s Annual General Meeting and the Launch of the Courage
> to Lead second edition.  
> We were met with wonderful smells from India as Mariam Gibson had prepared
> a gourmet selection of Indian dishes.  Old friends and colleagues milled
> with fresh young faces of folks who have recently met the ICA.  What a
> thrill to see such vitality.  
> The launch was initiated by Jeanette Stanfield as she placed Brian’s photo
> on a table in the front of the room.  His dedication to the creation of the
> first edition was relived in stories, jokes and memories.  We were reminded
> that the initial creation was born from the questions of board members and
> particularly from a young board member Shelley Cleverly who felt
> passionately the need to share the depths of the ICA commitment to society
> and a lifestyle of service.  
> Shelley and Duncan Holmes recounted their memories of Monday morning
> meetings where colleagues brainstormed common wisdom, read Brian’s writing
> and probed for clarity and insight.  The first version was published in
> 2000 and seminars were launched in Toronto.  Over the years a faculty has
> grown up through the courses being offered publicly at ICA and on a regular
> basis through the University Health Network which staffs several hospitals
> in downtown Toronto.  A colleague who had surgery in one of those hospitals
> recently commented on how caring she experienced the doctors, nurses and
> maintenance staff. 
> Twelve young faculty were on hand to enable us to encounter the twelve
> chapters.  Independently, Richard and I both selected the chapter on
> Historical Involvement along with David Patterson, a long-time colleague. 
> In our time together we explored the ‘passing’ of the baton from one
> generation to the next.  Perhaps this was what was most evident in the
> evening’s celebration that the vision of a baton of service and life
> abundant was being passed to a new generation.  We ended the evening with
> toasts and a group creation of a drawing which claimed promises for The
> Courage to Lead .
> The original edition captured the existential wisdom of thousands of
> colleagues over several decades of Order and movement life. The second
> edition is the same book made new.  Duncan Holmes in the forward of the
> book says: “We have worked to make the book more accessible, the language
> easier and the references more familiar. Sometimes we have added more
> current examples. I’ve heard people say that they didn’t understand a
> chapter the first time around. The second time, it was “Wow! Now I get it.
> What a powerhouse!” In this revised edition we wanted to make the
> powerhouse in each chapter visible on the first read. “  Brian’s laughing
> voice is still present.  There are also the life stories of a new
> generation willing to transform themselves and build the new society. 
> You’ll want to get your copy and share it with the next generation.  The
> best part is that you can download an ebook or get a paperback from
> iUniverse bookstore.com.  The paperback will be printed in Canada, USA,
> Great Britain or Australia depending on the location of the order and
> shipped around the world.  Or ask your favorite bookstore to order it. 
> Barnes and Noble is already carrying  the 2nd edition of The Courage to
> Lead, Transform Self, Transform Society. On the cover of the 2nd edition,
> you will see geese flying in the formation of a wedge.  Hope you like it.  
> Jan Sanders
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