[Oe List ...] Annie Leonard's new movie: The Story of Change

Ellie Stock elliestock at aol.com
Wed Jul 18 14:09:20 PDT 2012

Google The Story of Change or Annie Leonard--that will get to a link to the site.

-----Original Message-----
From: Herman Greene <hfgreene at mindspring.com>
To: 'Order Ecumenical Community' <oe at lists.wedgeblade.net>
Sent: Wed, Jul 18, 2012 11:42 am
Subject: Re: [Oe List ...] Annie Leonard's new movie:  The Story of Change

I’m not able to reach this link. Isanyone else having this problem?

From: oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net[mailto:oe-bounces at lists.wedgeblade.net] OnBehalf Of Ellie Stock
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 201210:59 AM
To: dialogue at lists.wedgeblade.net;oe at lists.wedgeblade.net
Subject: [Oe List ...] AnnieLeonard's new movie: The Story of Change



Dear              Elinor, 
Our new              movie -- The Story of Change              -- has just been released.
Please              watch it and take the Personality Quiz following the movie to              find out what kind of changemaker you are.
Then be              sure to share it with everyone you know!
We made The Story of Change to inspire our              viewers, Community members and others to step out of the consumer              mindset and into our full power as citizens to build a better              future.
That's              because too often, when faced with daunting environmental and              social problems (say, disruption of the global climate) many of              us instinctively flex our power in the only way we know how: as              consumers.
Plastic              garbage choking the oceans? Carry our own shopping bag.
Formaldehyde              in baby shampoo? Buy the brand with the green seal.
Warming              planet? Change our lightbulbs.
Without a              doubt, those are all good things to do. But the fact is, better              shopping isn't going to change the world.
If we              really want to build a better future, we have to move beyond              voting with our dollars and come together to demand rules that work.
That's the              lesson we learned when we looked back at a series of effective              movements for change, from the U.S. civil rights              movement to the environmental victories of the 1970s. They didn't              just pester people to perfect their daily choices; they said we              will work together until the problem is solved.
That's not              simple, and it won't be easy. We'll have to aim high and act              boldly. 
But we're              convinced that history is on our side. So let's get to work and              make the kind of change we know is possible.
Annie,              Michael, Allison, Christina, Renee, Naomi, Bill and Toni
The Story              of Stuff Project team
P.S. Along              with the movie we've launched the Changemaker Challenge, a              platform for Story of Stuff Community members to share their              action ideas and commitments. Post yours today!
Socialize with us!
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